WooCommerce Guide: what it is and how it works

woocommerce guide

WooCommerce Guide: scopriamo insieme le principali caratteristiche di questo plug-in WordPress e quali sono i vantaggi che derivano dal suo utilizzo.

In the digital age, having an e-commerce is essential for a commercial activity that wants to grow more and more and compete as best as possible in its reference sector. In fact, the internet has become the main stage for showing off and making your business idea known to consumers, also given the exponential growth of data relating to online sales.

Now people prefer it buy comfortably from home, con l’ausilio del proprio smartphone o computer, senza dover necessariamente recarsi presso il punto vendita desiderato. Per questo motivo è opportuno disporre di un sito web con il quale promuovere la merce che la tua azienda offre ai potenziali clienti. E per quanto riguarda il commercio elettronico la soluzione migliore presente sul mercato è senz’altro WooCommerce. In questa guida WooCommerce analizzeremo insieme come funziona e quali sono le sue principali funzionalità.

WooCommerce guide, how it works

WooCommerce is a powerful and versatile plug-in che consente agli utenti di creare un negozio di e-commerce su qualsiasi sito WordPress. Rappresenta la migliore soluzione presente sul mercato, trattandosi di un’estensione open source indicata per chi vuole create an online store professionally and quickly, without having particular IT skills.

how to install woocommerce

Created in 2011, it is currently one of the most used tools for digital sales, with tens of millions of users all over the world. A resounding success also due to the possibility of selling individual items or offering subscriptions to recurring services, shipping products all over the world and much more. Thank you to the extensive catalog of extensions disponibili puoi incrementare facilmente le funzionalità del tuo negozio online adattandolo ad ogni tipo di business, dai grandi marchi alle piccole aziende, iniziando in questo modo a vendere i tuoi prodotti ai potenziali clienti.

Once installed you can add products with their characteristics, define various payment methods, process customer orders, customize the appearance of your store with additional themes and plugins, create checkout pages, manage inventory, analyze sales statistics and so on.

How to install WooCommerce and list your products

Inserting WooCommerce on your site is really simple. Just go to the Noticeboard, click on Plugins and immediately after on Add New, searching for the extension on the search bar and proceed with installation. Then you need to set it up by entering basic information, such as your company name, email address and currency. You can then add the products to your online store by entering the title, description, price and photo.

ecommerce with wordpress

Product placement is also quite basic:

  • enter your dashboard
  • go to “Products” to create a new one
  • add the title, description and images
  • select the appropriate category and tags
  • set the price
  • choose whether you want to put it on sale or not
  • click on “Publish” to save your work


In conclusion, WooCommerce is a versatile and reliable platform for creating a successful online store. It offers many powerful tools with which to best manage your business, allowing anyone to quickly and economically start their own online business.

To have the desired success, however, it is essential that the entire platform functions at full capacity, so that the site pages are indexed properly.

Gianluca Gentile
Gianluca Gentile

My name is Gianluca Gentile, born in 1991. I have always had an immense passion for IT. Computers and the web, in fact, have become my inseparable adventure companions. So in 2012 I decided to transform my attitude and my skills into a "job". Through experience and professionalism I deal with restructuring and building the image of a company from scratch. Among my duties is the management of every phase of the creative process, meticulously taking care of every aspect of the advertising campaigns on the various media.

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