WooCommerce Free Gift (Free)



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WooCommerce Free Gift è un plugins premium per WooCommerce, un vero e proprio acceleratore di vendite per il tuo e-commerce. Questo tool ti permette di incrementare la tua attività online, regalando ai tuoi clienti un prodotto extra, completamente gratuito, in cambio del loro acquisto. Questo strumento è stato appositamente progettato per incentivare i tuoi clienti a completare i loro acquisti, rendendo la loro esperienza di shopping ancora più gratificante.

Set up your free gift with WooCommerce Free Gift

How WooCommerce Free Gift works is simple. After installing and activating the extension, you will be able to configure options regarding products to offer as freebies to your customers. You will be able to choose between offering a single product or an entire range of products as gifts, establishing specific criteria on when and how to offer the gift.

Customize the conditions of the free gift

With WooCommerce Free Gift, you have full control over the conditions of the free gift. You can set criteria based on the total order amount, the number of products purchased, or the presence of specific items in the cart. You can, for example, decide to offer a gift only if the customer spends a minimum amount, or purchases a certain number of items.

Limit access to free gifts to avoid abuse

To avoid abuse, WooCommerce Free Gift allows you to limit the amount of free gifts available to each customer. This guarantees that each customer will only receive one gift, preventing any attempts at fraudulent use.

Customize the visual appearance of the gift popup

In aggiunta alla customization delle condizioni del regalo, WooCommerce Free Gift ti consente anche di definire l’aspetto del popup che annuncia il regalo disponibile. Puoi scegliere tra vari layout predefiniti, oppure personalizzare il design del popup con CSS personalizzato per farlo combaciare con il look del tuo negozio online.

The free gift selection process

When a customer qualifies for a free gift, a popup will appear showing the product available as a gift. The customer can choose whether to accept the gift or continue the purchase without it. If you accept, the product is automatically added to your cart at no additional cost, creating a positive shopping experience.

Gift offer notifications and tracking

WooCommerce Free Gift also offers an intuitive dashboard to monitor gift offer statistics. Additionally, you can set up automatic email notifications to inform customers about the possibility of receiving a free gift and confirm their order.


Ultimately, WooCommerce Free Gift is an indispensable plugin for WooCommerce to improve sales through a free gift. Customize the offer conditions and adapt the design of your popup, creating an engaging shopping experience for your customers.

If you are experiencing problems with the WooCommerce Free Gift plugin, please contact the G Tech Group support team by opening a ticket by sending an email to support@gtechgroup.it. We will be happy to assist you with installing and configuring the plugin.


Gianluca Gentile
Gianluca Gentile

My name is Gianluca Gentile, born in 1991. I have always had an immense passion for IT. Computers and the web, in fact, have become my inseparable adventure companions. So in 2012 I decided to transform my attitude and my skills into a "job". Through experience and professionalism I deal with restructuring and building the image of a company from scratch. Among my duties is the management of every phase of the creative process, meticulously taking care of every aspect of the advertising campaigns on the various media.

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