How WordPress works: the most used CMS in the world

what is wordpress

How does it work WordPress: let's take a closer look at the features and functionality of one of the most popular web platforms for creating private and corporate blogs.

You have a thriving business but want to expand your reach on the internet in search of new customers. Or you are starting your career as a freelancer, and as you well know, having a virtual space where you can show off can really make the difference. So you decided to open a new website, ma non sai dove mettere le mani, avendo poca dimestichezza in materia. Per fortuna puoi fare affidamento su WordPress, un software gratuito, e per di più open source, che ti consente di gestire al meglio il tuo nuovo sito web. Ma andiamo con ordine.

What is WordPress

To understand how WordPress works you must be aware of specific but basic notions that will help you understand what to do and, above all, how to act within this context.

It is counted among the most used CMS on the web, i.e. a content manager, an application that is installed on our online space and which allows us to manage and organize the contents of the site simply and quickly, without having to have prior knowledge in IT.

how wordpress works

There are several hundred of these CMS on the market, but WP is considered the most appreciated and used by the majority of users, as it is no coincidence that it is a platform created for blog, and therefore used for the publication of articles and digital content. But its exponential growth is also due to constant and continuous renewal, becoming more malleable and expanded with templates and plugins, therefore additional functions with which you can create a series of platforms (see e-commerce or any type of portal).

What advantages? Customization with templates and plugins

Why do you use WP? The answer is simple:

  • offers an immediate and intuitive interface, ready to use and free of charge;
  • open source applications can be modified and expanded at any time, simplifying it, adding or removing the various existing functions;
  • allows you to reduce development costs during the design of a site, with the graphic or administrative part already pre-set;
  • maximum customization, with the possibility of installing templates and plug-ins created and updated by the developers, which can be purchased at very low prices.

Ma l’aspetto più significativo di questa piattaforma sta nel fatto che è orientata al SEO, ovvero consente di agevolare indexing on search engines thanks to a series of optimizations and specific plug-ins (for example Yoast SEO).

how to use wordpress

Osservando come funziona WordPress non dimentichiamoci anche che è compatibile con la funzionalità responsive, quindi con l’interfaccia adattata per i dispostivi mobili (smartphone tablet)

How WordPress works, conclusion

WordPress is the ideal choice for companies and freelancers who want to take advantage of web visibility. The ease of use in this case does not limit the performance of the platform, which is truly exceptional thanks also to the continuous work of the developers and creators of all those features that enrich it.

At the same time it requires a series of activities software maintenance and renewal to ensure cutting-edge performance over the years and capable of satisfying the requests of the Google algorithm.

Luckily you can rely on high profile professionals such as the technicians at Soccorsowp, specialized in the creation, management and assistance of WordPress platforms with constant monitoring of security, deadlines for various updates and with the possibility of obtaining premium licenses for the various plug-ins. in, as well as SEO interventions aimed at improving positioning on search engines.

If you want to get the best out of your website, contact our customer service and let's analyze together the aspects to improve on your website!

Gianluca Gentile
Gianluca Gentile

My name is Gianluca Gentile, born in 1991. I have always had an immense passion for IT. Computers and the web, in fact, have become my inseparable adventure companions. So in 2012 I decided to transform my attitude and my skills into a "job". Through experience and professionalism I deal with restructuring and building the image of a company from scratch. Among my duties is the management of every phase of the creative process, meticulously taking care of every aspect of the advertising campaigns on the various media.

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