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Top 10 WordPress Table Plugins – Comparison

10 plugin per tabelle di WordPress

Discover the best 10 plugin for tables of WordPress. Choose from a wide range of features and designs to create them and improve the visualization of your data.

WordPress is much more than a simple blogging platform: it is a real tool that allows you to create websites of any type, from a company showcase to a news portal. But one of its most useful and versatile features is certainly the ability to create tables.

Whether it is organizing a list of products for sale, creating a calendar of events or showing the prices of the services offered, they are an essential element in many contexts. And thanks to WordPress, creating tables is easy and intuitive, even for whom He has no programming experience or design. And the final result is always elegant, professional and perfectly integrated into the site layout.

Top 10 WordPress Table Plugins

To create a table in a simple and intuitive way, simply use through a detailed comparison of their characteristics and functionality:

Which plugins to insert tables on WordPress
example of table plugin for e-commerce

1. WP Table Builder

WP Table Builder is a popular free plugin for creating tables in WordPress. It has a wide range of predefined templates and options for customization, così da realizzare tabelle perfette per diverse esigenze, come la comparazione di prodotti, l’organizzazione di dati, l’elenco di prezzi, e molto altro.

It also offers a drag-and-drop feature to simplify table creation and numerous tools for editing cells and styles. Additionally, you can integrate it with other third-party tools, such as Google Sheets and Excel.

2. TablePress

TablePress è un altro plugin molto popolare per la creazione di tabelle in WordPress con molte righe e colonne. Offre numerose funzionalità avanzate, come l’importazione di dati da file Excel, CSV e HTML, e la possibilità di esportare le tabelle in diversi formati, come CSV, JSON e HTML.

Il plugin offre anche una vasta gamma di opzioni di personalizzazione e stili, con la possibilità di includere immagini, link, e altri elementi all’interno delle celle.

3. Ninja Tables

Ninja Tables è un programma davvero intuitivo e facile da usare, con numerose skills avanzate come l’integrazione con database di terze parti, la creazione di tabelle responsive and the ability to sort and filter tables in real time.

It also features customization options and styles, with the ability to create tables with complex and customized data.

4. WPDataTables

WPDataTables offre numerose funzionalità, come l’importazione di dati da fonti esterne (come database, file Excel o CSV), la creazione di tabelle responsive e la possibilità di ordinare e filtrare le tabelle in tempo reale. E’ possibile anche dar vita a tabelle con dati complessi e includere grafici e diagrammi al loro interno.

5. Elementor Pro

Elementor Pro è un plugin per la creazione di tabelle in WordPress molto versatile e completo. Offre numerose funzionalità avanzate, come la creazione di tabelle con dati complessi e personalizzati, la possibilità di includere immagini, link e altri elementi all’interno delle celle, e la creazione di tabelle responsive.

Il plugin offre anche numerose opzioni di personalizzazione e stili, con la possibilità di includere grafici, diagrammi, e altri elementi all’interno delle tabelle.

6. WP Table Manager

WP Table Manager is a plugin for creating tables in WordPress that is very intuitive and easy to use. It offers numerous features, such as creating responsive tables, the ability to sort and filter tables, and creating tables with complex data.

Il plugin offre anche numerose opzioni di personalizzazione e stili, con la possibilità di includere immagini, link, e altri elementi all’interno delle celle.

7. Posts Table Pro

Posts Table Pro ti permette di creare tabelle contenenti i tuoi post o le tue pagine, con la possibilità di personalizzarne l’aspetto e includere immagini e bottoni. E’ molto utile per i siti con molti contenuti, come blog e riviste online.

8. Ultimate Tables

This plugin is very versatile and allows you to create tables for many different purposes, from product lists to event calendars. Ultimate Tables also includes data sorting and filtering, making tables even more interactive and customizable

9. League Table

League Table is specifically designed for sports and tournament tables. You can create ranking tables for any type of sport or competition, with the possibility of inserting team logos and customizing the colors of the table.

10. Easy Table of Contents

Easy Table of Contents ti permette di creare un indice per i tuoi articoli, suddividendo il contenuto in sezioni e creando un elenco di link all’inizio dell’articolo. Molto utile per i contenuti lunghi e articolati, come guide e tutorial.


Example of WordPress table plugin for selling services

Choosing the best plugin for creating tables depends on the specific needs of your site or blog. The plugins presented in this article offer numerous advanced features, customization options, and different styles. To find the most suitable plugin it is therefore advisable to carefully analyze the different options and features offered.

Many of the plugins presented in this article offer the ability to create responsive tables, that is they automatically adapt to the size of the device used to display them. You can therefore create tables that offer a good browsing experience on any type of device.

Many of the plugins presented in this article offer the ability to import data from external sources, such as Excel, CSV and HTML files. This feature can be very useful for creating complex tables that include large amounts of information.

WordPress table plugin, conclusions

In conclusion, creating tables in WordPress can be very useful for displaying complex information, such as comparazione di prodotti, l’elenco prezzi, and so on.

The extensions presented in this article offer numerous advanced options, which allow you to create effective and aesthetically pleasing tables. However, it is important to carefully evaluate the different options and features offered to find the plugin best suited to the specific needs of your site or blog.
If you need more support regarding WordPress table plugin? Non c’è problema, contattaci! La G Tech Group ti offre una soluzione completa, con una guida dettagliata dei migliori 9 plugin per tabelle di WordPress. Se vuoi avere maggiori informazioni o hai bisogno di supporto tecnico, apri un ticket o invia una mail a support@gtechgroup.it today!

Gianluca Gentile

My name is Gianluca Gentile, born in 1991. I have always had an immense passion for IT. Computers and the web, in fact, have become my inseparable adventure companions. So in 2012 I decided to transform my attitude and my skills into a "job". Through experience and professionalism I deal with restructuring and building the image of a company from scratch. Among my duties is the management of every phase of the creative process, meticulously taking care of every aspect of the advertising campaigns on the various media.

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