Popup Plugin for WordPress and Popup Editor – Master Popups for Email Subscription



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The Popup Plugin for WordPress & Popup Editor – Master Popups per l’iscrizione via email è un plugin utile e completo che consente di creare diversi tipi di pop-up personalizzati sul proprio sito WordPress. Le sue funzionalità avanzate e la sua semplicità d’uso lo rendono un’ottima scelta per chiunque sia alla ricerca di un modo efficace per catturare l’attenzione dei propri visitatori e aumentare le conversioni.

First of all, the plugin offers a wide range of pop-up styles and layouts, allowing site owners to choose the one that best suits their needs and attracts visitors' attention. Once pop-ups are created, its precise targeting functionality allows you to choose where and when to display them, achieving maximum impact on conversion.

Furthermore, Master Popups for Email Subscription also includes a wide range of pre-built templates, simplifying the process of creating your email subscription pop-up. Once you have selected the template, simply customize it to your needs, choosing the text, color and background images to increase the visual impact.

The Popup Editor included in the plugin is highly intuitive and easy to use. Its drag-and-drop interface allows you to easily create custom pop-ups, without the need for programming knowledge. Furthermore, the plugin also offers advanced features, such as integration with email marketing services or the analysis of visitor behavior through the use of Google Analytics.

In generale, il Popup Plugin per WordPress & Popup Editor – Master Popups for Email Subscription è un ottimo strumento per tutti coloro che cercano di migliorare il tasso di conversione sui loro siti WordPress. Grazie alla sua vasta gamma di funzionalità avanzate, pop-up personalizzati, modelli predefiniti e un’interfaccia intuitiva, è possibile creare facilmente pop-up professionali e attraenti e monitorarli in modo efficace per migliorare i risultati.

FAQ about the Popup plugin for WordPress – Compatible with WP 6.2+

1. What is Popup plugin for WP?

The Popup Plugin for WordPress is a plugin that allows you to convert your site visitors into subscribers and customers by saving their email, first name, last name, telephone number and other data through popups and registration forms.

2. How does the plugin work?

With Master Popups' very powerful visual editor, you can easily create registration forms, contact forms, images, videos, offers, notifications, discounts And any other type of popup design.

3. What types of popups can I create?

Master Popups allows you to create Modal, full-screen popups, notification bars, scrolling popups and inline popups and widgets.

4. How can I create popups?

You can easily create popups by dragging and dropping elements from the visual editor. Alternatively, you can use one of more than 70 ready-to-use pop-up templates, all free.

5. Under what circumstances can I show popups?

You can show pop-ups when a click occurs, when the page loads, when the visitor leaves the page, during the typical scroll or in case of user inactivity.

6. What forms of free extensions and content are included in Master Popups?

Master Popups allows displaying signup form, contact form, custom content from WP editor, link to videos via YouTube/Vimeo/HTML5.

7. How does it integrate with external services?

Master Popups comes with strong integration with email marketing services like Mailchimp, Mautic, GetResponse, Mailster, Sendinblue, and more. It also supports custom integration with HTML forms.

8. Is it GDPR compliant?

Master Popups is GDPR ready.

9. What can I create with Master Popups?

You can do anything with Master Popups, from signup forms to contact form.

10. What can I show in any popup?

You can show signup forms, contact forms, images, videos, custom content from WP editor and shortcodes.

11. What support is offered?

Our team is always ready to assist you if you have any problems with popups. Free support includes customer/user education, troubleshooting, and technical advice.

12. What does compatibility with WP 6.2+ mean?

Master Popups is compatible with WordPress 6.2 and later.

13. What types of Subscriptions or usage policies are there?

There are two types of subscriptions: monthly and annual. You can use the plugin on an unlimited amount of websites with a single usage license.

Se riscontri problemi nell’installazione o nella configurazione del Popup Plugin for WordPress & Popup Editor – Master Popups for Email Subscription, non preoccuparti! La G Tech Group è pronta ad aiutarti. Per ricevere assistenza, apri un ticket scrivendo a support@gtechgroup.it e il nostro team di esperti ti guiderà passo passo nella risoluzione del problema. Non perdere altro tempo, contattaci subito!


Gianluca Gentile
Gianluca Gentile

My name is Gianluca Gentile, born in 1991. I have always had an immense passion for IT. Computers and the web, in fact, have become my inseparable adventure companions. So in 2012 I decided to transform my attitude and my skills into a "job". Through experience and professionalism I deal with restructuring and building the image of a company from scratch. Among my duties is the management of every phase of the creative process, meticulously taking care of every aspect of the advertising campaigns on the various media.

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