WordPress Image Map HotSpot Plugin with Lightbox



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Image Map HotSpot with Lightbox WordPress Plugin è una delle migliori soluzioni per gestire le immagini su una pagina WordPress con la possibilità di aggiungere delle aree cliccabili. In questo modo, gli utenti possono cliccare su una determinata area dell’immagine e visualizzare in modo chiaro e dettagliato un’informazione o un’immagine ulteriore.

Il plugin offre una vasta gamma di opzioni di customization, e di conseguenza, gli sviluppatori e i proprietari di siti web hanno la flessibilità di personalizzare l’aspetto e la funzionalità dei punti caldi delle immagini in modo da soddisfare le loro esigenze.

This WordPress plugin is easy to install and use. Once installed, users can upload their images and use the image mapping feature to create a clickable area. Image mapping involves creating an overlay over the original image, then identifying the areas where you want to apply the hotspot functionality.

Additionally, there are numerous customization options for the hotspot, allowing you to choose between different shapes, colors and styles. Additionally, users can also add text, links and other information to the clickable areas, thus creating a truly interactive map within the image.

One of the great features of the Image Map HotSpot with Lightbox plugin is the Lightbox functionality. The Lightbox is a modal window that opens when the user clicks on a hot spot. This way, additional content, such as an image or text, is displayed within the modal window, without the user having to navigate to another web page.

The Lightbox modal window can be customized in terms of size, colors, titles and contents, so that users can have a smooth browsing experience and enjoy interactive and engaging content.

In addition, Image Map HotSpot with Lightbox WordPress Plugin offers a wide range of advanced features, such as the ability to add animations and transitions when opening and closing the modal window. Developers can also integrate the plugin with other third-party plugins, such as the popular CSS3 animation plugin, to allow for an additional level of customization.

Furthermore, the plugin is highly compatible with different versions of WordPress and can be used in combination with the various themes and plugins available. The plugin is also regularly updated with bug fixes and additional features, to ensure that users have the best possible experience and that the plugin works reliably.

Finally, in terms of support, the Image Map HotSpot with Lightbox WordPress plugin is supported by a large community of developers and you can find many resources online to troubleshoot any issues or get further support.

In sintesi, Image Map Hotspot with Lightbox è un WordPress plugin estremamente versatile ed efficiente, che offre infiniti modi per creare visualmente contenuti interattivi sul nostro sito web WordPress. Grazie al suo design intuitivo e alle sue capacità di personalizzazione, questo plugin può essere utilizzato in modo efficace per offrire ai visitatori un’esperienza coinvolgente e interattiva sul sito web.

1. What does Image Map HotSpot for WordPress do?
The Image Map HotSpot for WordPress helps you display tooltips or annotations of your images with smooth CSS3 transitions. You can choose to display the popover when the user clicks or hovers over it, and easily drag the icon to update the HotSpot's position on the backend. Live view of the work is available on the backend, something like wysiwyg (what you see is what you get).

2. What is a Hotspot?
A Hotspot is an area in an image that the user can click or hold over to display additional information as a popover.

3. What can I do with Image Map HotSpot for WordPress?
You can add additional information, notes, or annotations to an image and show them when the user clicks or hovers over the Hotspot. You can also use the Lightbox feature to open a YouTube or Vimeo video, image, or Google map, when the user clicks the Hotspot icon.

4. How can I update the Hotspot image or data?
You can easily update the Hotspot image or data on the WordPress backend by dragging the Hotspot icon to the desired location and entering the additional information.

5. Can I display multiple Hotspots in the same image?
Yes, you can display multiple Hotspots on the same image and there is no limit on the number of Hotspots you can add.

6. Is Image Map HotSpot for WordPress compatible with newer WordPress and jQuery?
Yes, Image Map HotSpot for WordPress is compatible with the latest version of WordPress and jQuery (1.10.x).

7. What are the features of Image Map HotSpot for WordPress?
The Image Map HotSpot for WordPress is easy to install and configure with the WordPress backend, with a live preview of your work allowing you to easily update the Hotspot. You can drag Hotspot icons into the backend to easily update the Hotspot location. The Hotspot supports CSS3 transition, works responsively and supports autoplay function. The Image Map HotSpot for WordPress is compatible with the latest version of jQuery and WordPress and does not require any code changes to add or update Hotspots.

“Do you need assistance installing and configuring the Image Map HotSpot with Lightbox WordPress Plugin? Do not worry! G Tech Group can help you. Open a ticket by contacting our support at support@gtechgroup.it and we will be happy to provide you with all the necessary assistance.”


Gianluca Gentile
Gianluca Gentile

My name is Gianluca Gentile, born in 1991. I have always had an immense passion for IT. Computers and the web, in fact, have become my inseparable adventure companions. So in 2012 I decided to transform my attitude and my skills into a "job". Through experience and professionalism I deal with restructuring and building the image of a company from scratch. Among my duties is the management of every phase of the creative process, meticulously taking care of every aspect of the advertising campaigns on the various media.

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