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Cost Calculator for WordPress


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Cost Calculator for WordPress is a plugin that allows you to create custom cost calculators for your WordPress website. This plugin provides a wide range of tools to help just about anyone create a cost calculator that fits their needs, even if you have no coding experience.

Uno dei maggiori vantaggi del Cost Calculator for WordPress è la sua facilità d’uso. Anche chi è totalmente alle prime armi con il mondo dei WordPress plugin può facilmente creare un calcolatore di costi professionale. Pertanto, è possibile utilizzare il plugin su qualsiasi tipo di sito web, dalla pagina di un’azienda al sito di un freelance.

The Cost Calculator for WordPress also provides many pre-made modules and price totalizers, which can be used as a starting point for creating your own custom cost calculator. The modules include various types of calculations, from selling products online to defining prices for professional services. Beyond the choice of modules, you can define aspects of the calculator such as layout, currency choices, language settings and price presentation.

In fact, one of the plugin's biggest strengths is its flexibility. With the Cost Calculator for WordPress, you can create a cost calculator for virtually any type of business or service. The plugin is compatible with many professional themes, and updates your site's design based on the type of cost calculator you have selected for your website. Furthermore, it is highly customizable, meaning that if you need a more specific calculator, you can configure the plugin to suit your needs.

The plugin is easy to install and configure. Simply download the plugin from the WordPress platform, upload it via your website, and configure it however you like. The plugin naturally interacts with most eCommerce packages such as WooCommerce, JetPack eCommerce, etc. so you will not need to use other extensions or plugins.

Furthermore, the Cost Calculator for WordPress is also compatible with most web browsers, meaning that users will be able to access the cost calculator regardless of their preferred web browser. Users will be able to view all the necessary information in a clear and concise manner, which will allow them to make informed decisions based on costs.

Overall, the Cost Calculator for WordPress is a useful tool for anyone who wants to create a custom cost calculator. This is a very flexible and easily accessible plugin, suitable for both beginners and professionals, capable of helping you create a high-quality website without requiring coding experience or expensive professionals. The plugin is highly customizable and is capable of meeting the needs of any type of business, thanks to the many pre-built modules available, flexibility and compatibility with most web browsers.

Q: Cos’è Cost Calculator?
A: Cost Calculator is a plugin for WordPress that allows you to create forms for estimating the cost or calculating the price of a service or product. The plugin offers a visual builder for creating forms, but is also fully integrated with WPBakery Page Builder.

Q: What websites is Cost Calculator designed for?
A: Il plugin è pensato per qualsiasi sito web che abbia un prezzo strutturato sui propri prodotti e voglia creare un form per la stima del costo, un calcolatore di costi di un progetto o di un servizio. È possibile utilizzarlo anche per creare un form di contatto o di ordinazione con o senza l’opzione di stima del costo. Inoltre, il plugin è adatto per la creazione di form di configurazione di un prodotto o di un servizio con o senza stima del costo, per la comparazione di costi e la presentazione di valori calcolati.

Q: What are the main features of Cost Calculator?
A: Cost Calculator is completely responsive, quindi adatta perfettamente ogni suo elemento a qualsiasi dimensione di schermo. Il plugin offre un proprio builder visuale con la possibilità di creare un numero illimitato di form di calcolo. È possibile scegliere tra diverse configurazioni a più colonne per le formule di calcolo e il plugin offre anche molte impostazioni avanzate per i colori e i font. Sono presenti numerosi componenti di form, come Dropdown, Slider Box, Input Box, Date Picker, Checkbox, Switch Box o Toggle, Summary Box e Contact Form, tutti configurabili in maniera libera. Infine, il plugin permette di importare contenuti demo preconfigurati con un solo clic grazie all’Import Dummy Data Manager.

Q: Can Cost Calculator be integrated with WPBakery Page Builder?
A: Yes, Cost Calculator can be fully integrated with WPBakery Page Builder, but it is not necessary to use it, as the plugin already offers its own visual builder for creating forms.

Q: Where are calculations and data submitted via Cost Calculator forms saved?
A: Tutti i calcoli e i dati inviati tramite i form vengono salvati nel database e sono disponibili a livello di amministrazione, oltre ad essere inviati all’indirizzo e-mail.

Q: What languages does Cost Calculator support?
A: Attualmente Cost Calculator supporta l’inglese, lo spagnolo, il tedesco, il francese, il portoghese, l’italiano, il polacco, il rumeno e il turco.

Q: How can I contact Cost Calculator support?
A: Cost Calculator support is provided through the plugin's support forum. The development team responds to questions within 24 hours on weekdays, but there may be delays if requests are made on weekends or holidays.

“Stai avendo difficoltà con il tuo Cost Calculator per WordPress? Nessun problema! Contatta la G Tech Group aprendo un ticket e scrivendo a per ricevere assistenza immediata sull’installazione e la configurazione del plugin.”


Gianluca Gentile

My name is Gianluca Gentile, born in 1991. I have always had an immense passion for IT. Computers and the web, in fact, have become my inseparable adventure companions. So in 2012 I decided to transform my attitude and my skills into a "job". Through experience and professionalism I deal with restructuring and building the image of a company from scratch. Among my duties is the management of every phase of the creative process, meticulously taking care of every aspect of the advertising campaigns on the various media.

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