Il plugin Social Share & Locker Pro per WordPress



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Social Share & Locker Pro è un plugin di WordPress che consente di personalizzare e gestire il contenuto condiviso sui social media. Il plugin è progettato per aumentare la visibilità e la condivisione del tuo sito web sui social media, migliorando così il traffico e l’engagement di utenti e visitatori.

The plugin offers a wide range of features and customizations, allowing you to create content blocks, social content, and private content. This way, you can manage the content you want to make public and what you want to keep private.

La funzionalità principale del plugin è la condivisione dei contenuti sui social media. Questo può essere eseguito in diversi modi, come la condivisione di interi post o pagine, l’aggiunta di pulsanti di condivisione per i social media o la customization del modo in cui vengono visualizzati questi pulsanti sui tuoi siti.

The plugin also offers a content blocking feature, which works as a form of “payment” for sharing content on social media. This feature is especially useful for website owners looking to increase traffic through social media sharing.

In practice, the plugin works like this: Users who want to access blocked content, for example an ebook or a tool, must share the content on their social media. In this way, the content is disseminated, reaching new users and thus increasing the visibility of your website.

The plugin also offers advanced analytics and tracking features, allowing you to track who shares your content on social media, how they share it, and how many users they reach through sharing. This way, you can improve your social media marketing and create content that is more effective and suited to your target audience.

Social Share & Locker Pro è progettato per essere facile da usare e personalizzabile, consentendo ai proprietari di siti web di gestire il contenuto in modo facile ed efficiente. Il plugin è compatibile con diversi temi e pacchetti di plugin di WordPress, il che lo rende una scelta ideale per qualsiasi tipo di sito web o blog.

In conclusione, Social Share & Locker Pro è uno strumento potente e utile per aumentare la visibilità e la condivisione dei contenuti sui social media. Il plugin offre diverse funzionalità personalizzate, consentendo di gestire il contenuto condiviso e privato e di tenere traccia delle analisi di marketing sui social media.

Domande frequenti su Social Share & Locker Pro, il miglior plugin di condivisione social per WordPress.

1. Quali sono le reti social disponibili in Social Share & Locker Pro?
The plugin offers 60 sharing options: Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Vkontakte, DiggDigg, Stumbleupon, Tumblr, Reddit, Delicious, Weibo, Xing, Print Friendly, Email Sharing, Odnoklassniki, Whatsapp, Bufferapp, , Meneame, Evernote, GetPocket, Flattr, ManageWP, MySpace, Yahoo Mail, GMail, HackerNews, Blogger, Amazon, Newsvine, Viadeo, DOUBAN, Baidu,, Yammer, SMS, Viber, Telegram, Comments, Love This, AOL , Flipboard and Send Email.

2. What options are included in the plugin?
Social Share & Locker Pro offre pulsanti di condivisione multipli, diversi layout di visualizzazione, pulsanti di seguaci, blocco dei contenuti social. Il plugin offre anche un modulo Social Locker integrato per aumentare l’esposizione sui social network e ottenere visitatori virali.

3. How does the Social Locker work?
The Social Locker can become a dynamic tool for your social media strategy. You can set a waiting time or auto-unblock content after some time. Visitors may have to share your page again if you set the Locker to reset after a certain time.

4. Can I customize the display of the share buttons?
You can control how your share buttons will appear using a specific template, horizontal/vertical position, with or without network name or social counts.

5. Can I use the plugin with WooCommerce, JigoShop and BuddyPress?
Yes, the plugin has been tested and compatible with WooCommerce, JigoShop and BuddyPress.

6. Is the plugin compatible with WPBakery Page Builder?
Yes, the plugin is compatible with WPBakery Page Builder. You can add your custom social icons into the page content using the page builder in seconds. The social locker has a special module that can lock any lines, text, videos, images, cards, prices and buttons and require a share action to be displayed.

7. Does the plugin offer support?
The support team is ready to answer all your questions and provide assistance if needed.

8. How do I install the plugin on WordPress?
Simply install WordPress 3.0+ and then install the plugin.

9. Does the plugin offer updates?
Yes, updates are available and the plugin is regularly updated to improve functionality and compatibility.

Hai problemi con Social Share & Locker Pro WordPress Plugin? Non preoccuparti, la soluzione è a portata di clic! Contatta la G Tech Group aprendo un ticket e scrivendo a per ricevere assistenza per l’installazione e la configurazione del plugin. Non esitare, il nostro team di esperti è pronto ad aiutarti!


Gianluca Gentile
Gianluca Gentile

My name is Gianluca Gentile, born in 1991. I have always had an immense passion for IT. Computers and the web, in fact, have become my inseparable adventure companions. So in 2012 I decided to transform my attitude and my skills into a "job". Through experience and professionalism I deal with restructuring and building the image of a company from scratch. Among my duties is the management of every phase of the creative process, meticulously taking care of every aspect of the advertising campaigns on the various media.

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