Team Showcase – WordPress Plugin



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Team Showcase è un plugin di WordPress che consente di creare una vetrina degli membri del team per il tuo sito web. Il plugin è facile da usare e ha moltissime funzionalità, come l’aggiunta di informazioni di contatto, avatar, descrizione dei membri del team, caroselli, effetti di animazione e tanto altro.

The plugin is very versatile and allows you to customize the parameters according to your needs. For example, you can choose the number of team members to show on the same page, the layout type, font color and size, description text length, image arrangement, and more.

To use Team Showcase, you need to install and configure it to display the team members section on your website. The first thing to do is enter your team member information, including avatar, name, role, description, social media links, and contact information.

Once you have provided your team member information, you can choose the type of layout to display the team section on your website. You can choose from a simple list, grid layout, carousel, custom layout, and more. Additionally, you have the ability to choose the number of columns and rows to display on your site, the font color and size, and even adjust the space between images.

Additionally, the plugin has some advanced features that allow you to further customize your team showcase. For example, you can enable the hover animation effect, choose transition types between images, select CSS animations, and much more.

Finally, the plugin also includes an option to import employee data from a spreadsheet or other sources. This way, you can add team members faster without having to add them one by one.

Overall, Team Showcase is a very useful and versatile plugin that allows you to effectively and professionally display your team members on your website. Not only can it help you create a more professional image for your company, but it can also provide useful information to visitors about the skills and specializations of your team.

With this plugin you can display a set of images and information in different layouts. The main purpose of the plugin is to display team/staff members, but it can be used for other purposes as well. It's perfect for viewing members of your staff, team or workforce, even divided by categories or groups! You can also use it to display testimonials or other types of content that require an image and text! You can view entries in 4 different main ways: GRID Members will be displayed in a responsive grid with the number of columns you set and with information to the right, left or below the image, depending on your settings. GRID WITH INFORMATION IN HOVER Members will also be displayed in a responsive grid, but information will be displayed when you hover the mouse over the image. TABLE A simple responsive table layout to display members easily. THUMBNAILS PAGER LAYOUT Member image thumbnails will appear smaller and clicking on the large image and information will appear in a designated area. Very similar to the functionality of a gallery where you can navigate through the contents by clicking on the small thumbnails. You can customize and enhance the layout, with several layout options and predefined styles. Number of Columns In grid layouts you can choose how many columns you want to display. The columns will be responsive and adapt to different screen sizes. Image Shapes and Effects You will be able to choose whether you want your images to appear with square corners, rounded corners or even a circular shape! Additionally, you can give them extra styles, such as grayscale, image borders, and shadow styles. Text alignment Simple text alignment options: centered, right or left. Composition In layouts where this option applies, you will be able to choose whether the image will be above, to the right or to the left of the content. JQuery Category Filters On Grid and Hover Grid layouts you will have the option to activate and display a JQuery group filter! You can view all members and in just one click visitors will be able to filter a selected category! See a live example! THEME PRESETS! In addition to the options above, you can choose a preset combination of options. Examples Future versions of the plugin will likely include more default styles and themes! Filter by categories You can group entries by categories and view only a selected category or all of them! This way you can also have a list of your team/staff members by location or departments. Drag & Drop tidying up! In the archive view of member entries, you will be able to activate drag & drop reordering to easily change the order of entries! Individual pages for each entry! You can choose whether you want the entries to have a single active page or not! If the single page is active, you can choose whether the entries in the layout will have a link to this single page or not! JSON-LD: Prepare for the Future The plugin is capable of including json-ld structured data that can be read by search engines that provide information about your page and member entries. This will be compatible with any rich snippets included in search engine results pages. Widget Ready! The shortcode will work on widgets! Simply copy the shortcode and include it in a text widget and your chosen layout will appear in the widget! Shortcode Generator and PHP Function! It couldn't be easier to generate the code needed to display entries. Simply go to the shortcode generator, choose the settings you want and the shortcode and php function you can use will be generated and ready to copy and paste wherever you want! Shortcodes should be used in posts, pages and widgets, while the php function will be needed if you want to hard code your team presentation layout in your theme files. The generator will preview what the layout looks like with the selected settings. Input fields for specific content When you add a new entry, you will have new fields for specific content. Typically these fields are: Free HTML – a text area where you can include HTML content. It can be used for example to include content that does not fit into the other input fields or simply to include longer content such as a tag line for the user. Job Title – the name of the team member's position or department definition. Email Phone Location Personal Website Links to social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Linkedin, Youtube and Vimeo) New fields can be added on the settings page. Custom function name! Don't like that this feature is called “Members”? Go to the plugin settings and change it to whatever you want! Default image size You can change the default image size on the settings. This way, when you upload a new image, it will be resized to the specified dimensions. Single Page Settings You will be able to choose whether the single page function will be active or not and what information you want to display on it! If the team member entry is linked to a WordPress user, you can view the latest posts, for example! Other Settings Other settings include the size and shape of social media icons, and whether the email information is in the mailto:email format or not. Multipurpose! Be creative! While this was created to best serve as an easy way to display team or staff members on your WordPress site, you can use it for other purposes! If you have a problem that requires a plugin that displays a list of images along with information, this plugin can help! You can for example create a list of products or services! Changelog How to update this plugin? – Read the FAQ Version 2.2.6 – September 2021 – Fixed PHP errors for compatibility with PHP8. Version 2.2.4 – April 2020 – Bug in autocomplete feature – Fixed bugs in pagination and search – Option to enable block editor – Fixed extra spaces in image size settings. Version 2.1.3 – September 10, 2018 – Category will have URL link added in description in table layout – fixed a bug on image link in table layout – 'hoverposition' option to display position in hover layout – Version 2.1 – June 27, 2018 – Added code to prevent the plugin from checking the repository for updates – Version 2.0.3 – May 22, 2018 – Updated FontAwesome version to 5.0.2 – including option to add layout table header titles – Version 2.0.1 – April 12, 2018 – Fixed a CSS issue. – Removed plugin registration option – didn't work properly – Better integration with WPML and Polylang – worked on the option of limiting one entry per user – added an option to the settings page – improved sorting by last name option – fixed filter + lightbox issue – added site = ” parameter for shortcode, to fetch entries from another blog/site via blog ID. – improved Isotope filter – Version 1.9.6 – January 24, 2018 – Added fix for slug sorting in dropdown menu for search form – improved code for search results with pagination – Implemented sorting option random (in session) to allow correct pagination with random order – Added the fourth taxonomy – changed the search code to allow keeping “loadmore” in the search results – added “search” to the shortcode parameter – added the plugin registration option for automatic updates – Version 1.9.2 – November 16 – admin filters added – added third taxonomy – Added shortcode parameter to read which taxonomy to use to create live filters – added meta_query parameter to shortcode (undocumented ): meta_query='_tsposition: Position: LIKE' – personal URL in layout table has been corrected – added do_shortcode for custom fields – Version 1.8.6 –

“No matter what problem you may encounter with Team Showcase – WordPress Plugin, don't worry! You can always contact the G Tech Group by opening a ticket by writing to to obtain professional assistance for installing and configuring the plugin. Don't hesitate to contact us, we are here to help you!”


Gianluca Gentile
Gianluca Gentile

My name is Gianluca Gentile, born in 1991. I have always had an immense passion for IT. Computers and the web, in fact, have become my inseparable adventure companions. So in 2012 I decided to transform my attitude and my skills into a "job". Through experience and professionalism I deal with restructuring and building the image of a company from scratch. Among my duties is the management of every phase of the creative process, meticulously taking care of every aspect of the advertising campaigns on the various media.

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