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From WordPress.com to WordPress.org: how to migrate without losing data

trasferimento da wordpress.com a wordpress.org

Find out how to pass by WordPress.com to WordPress.org without losing your data. Follow this step-by-step guide to perform a hassle-free migration, including backing up your content, selecting the right hosting, and completely transferring your information.

WordPress è una delle piattaforme di blogging e gestione dei contenuti più popolari al mondo, offrendo una vasta gamma di funzionalità e personalizzazioni. Tuttavia, molti utenti iniziano il loro percorso con WordPress.com, una piattaforma ospitata che fornisce un’esperienza di blogging semplificata. Nonostante i vantaggi di WordPress.com, alcuni utenti possono desire greater freedom and control on your WordPress installation. In that case, switching to WordPress.org, the self-hosted version of WordPress, may be the right choice.

For example, you can choose your hosting provider, customize your theme and install any plugin or extension you want. You'll also have access to your site's source code, allowing you to make advanced changes and deep customizations. Essentially, WordPress.org gives you the possibility of creating a tailor-made website, without restrictions.

The difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org

Before you begin your migration, it's important to understand the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org.

Differences between WordPress.com and WordPress.org, switch between WordPress.com and WordPress.org quickly and easily
why move from wordpress.com to wordpress.org

Having said that, let's delve deeper into the matter

Step 1: Create a hosting account

The first step to migrating from WordPress.com to WordPress.org is to create a hosting account. There are many hosting services available, such as Bluehost, Hostgator, SiteGround and many more. However, if you wish, you can contact your current hosting provider to see if they offer plans that support WordPress.org.

Step 2: Installing WordPress.org

Once you have created your hosting account, you can install WordPress.org. Many hosting providers have tools like Softaculous or Fantastico that allow you to install it with just a few clicks. If your hosting account does not include these tools, you must follow the installation instructions on the WordPress.org website.

Step 3: Export data from WordPress.com

Il segmento successivo è esportare i dati dal tuo sito web WordPress.com. Per farlo, puoi accedere al pannello di controllo di WordPress.com e andare nelle Impostazioni. Da lì, vai alla sezione Avanzate e seleziona l’opzione Esporta. Quindi, seleziona tutto il contenuto che desideri esportare e fai clic sul pulsante Esporta per scaricare il file in formato XML sul tuo computer.

Step 4: Import data into WordPress.org

Once this is done you need to import the data from the exported XML file into your new .org website. Go to your WordPress.org dashboard and go to Tools > Import. Here select WordPress as the file type to import. Then, click Browse to select the XML file you exported in the previous step and click Upload File and Import.

Step 5: Setting up your new website

Dopo l’importazione dei dati, devi configurare il tuo nuovo sito web. Ciò includerà la selezione del tema, l’installazione dei plugin desiderati e la personalizzazione di una gamma di impostazioni. Puoi consultare la documentazione di WordPress.org o cercare informazioni su un tema/plugin specifico per aiutarti in questo passaggio.

moving from wordpress.com to wordpress.org

From WordPress.com to WordPress.org, FAQs:

1. What will happen to domains and subdomains?

Se hai acquistato un dominio o un sottodominio su WordPress.com, puoi continuare a utilizzarlo con WordPress.org. Tuttavia, dovrai configurare l’indirizzo IP per puntare al tuo nuovo sito web ospitato da WordPress.org.

2. What happens to the website's privacy settings?

There are some differences in privacy settings between WordPress.com and WordPress.org. Be sure to review your new website's privacy settings to make sure they meet your needs and remove any settings you don't want.

3. What happens to WordPress.com statistics?

Se vuoi mantenere le tue statistiche, dovrai utilizzare un servizio di terze parti per monitorare il tuo sito web dopo la migrazione. Un’opzione popolare è Google Analytics.

Moving from WordPress.com to WordPress.org: Final Thoughts

In conclusion, migrate from WordPress.com to WordPress.org può essere un po’ complicato, ma con i giusti strumenti e una pianificazione adeguata puoi farlo senza perdere i tuoi dati. Assicurati di seguire ogni passaggio con attenzione e di configurare il tuo nuovo sito web con le impostazioni desiderate, temi e plugin. Una volta completata la migrazione, potrai godere di un maggiore controllo e di maggiori funzionalità sul tuo sito web WordPress.org.
If you would like support in transferring from WordPress.com to WordPress.org without losing data, please do not hesitate to contact G Tech Group! Open a ticket or send an email to support@gtechgroup.it and our team of experts will help you make the transition quickly and reliably. Don't waste any more time, contact us now to get the most out of your online presence!

Gianluca Gentile

My name is Gianluca Gentile, born in 1991. I have always had an immense passion for IT. Computers and the web, in fact, have become my inseparable adventure companions. So in 2012 I decided to transform my attitude and my skills into a "job". Through experience and professionalism I deal with restructuring and building the image of a company from scratch. Among my duties is the management of every phase of the creative process, meticulously taking care of every aspect of the advertising campaigns on the various media.

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