Striking – MultiFlex responsive WP theme and ecommerce



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Striking – MultiFlex & Ecommerce Responsive WP Theme è un WordPress theme Highly customizable and suitable for any type of website. It includes advanced features and options for customization that enable users to create a unique and successful website.

Una delle caratteristiche più evidenti di Striking – MultiFlex & Ecommerce Responsive WP Theme è la sua flessibilità. Questo tema può essere configurato per qualsiasi tipo di sito web, dall’e-commerce alla presentazione aziendale, dai blog ai portali di notizie. La struttura del design è modulare, consentendo agli utenti di creare un layout personalizzato mediante il posizionamento dei moduli.

Striking – MultiFlex & Ecommerce Responsive WP Theme è anche altamente responsivo. Il tema è stato progettato per adattarsi a tutti i dispositivi, dai desktop ai dispositivi mobili, in modo da poter garantire che il tuo sito web sia visualizzato perfettamente ovunque venga visualizzato.

La funzionalità eCommerce integrata in Striking – MultiFlex & Ecommerce Responsive WP Theme consente agli utenti di creare un negozio online completamente funzionante in pochi clic. Il tema include tutte le funzionalità di eCommerce necessarie, come un carrello della spesa, un sistema di pagamento sicuro e l’integrazione con le principali piattaforme di pagamento.

Striking – MultiFlex & Ecommerce Responsive WP Theme include anche una vasta gamma di strumenti di personalizzazione. Gli utenti possono personalizzare il design, il layout, i colori, le tipografie, la navigazione e molto altro per creare un sito web completamente personalizzato. Questi strumenti di personalizzazione sono stati progettati per essere accessibili anche alle persone meno esperte, garantendo che gli utenti possano creare un sito web di alta qualità senza necessità di conoscenze tecniche avanzate.

The theme also includes a large number of high-quality built-in plugins. These plugins enhance website functionality, improve performance and offer more customization options. Some of the most useful tools include plugins for caching, social media, search engine optimization, and image management.

Striking – MultiFlex & Ecommerce Responsive WP Theme è supportato da una comunità di utenti molto attiva e dai creatori stessi del tema. Questo supporto garantirà che gli utenti possano sempre trovare risposte alle loro domande e risolvere eventuali problemi che possono verificarsi.

In definitiva, Striking – MultiFlex & Ecommerce Responsive WP Theme è un tema WordPress highly customizable and flexible, ideal for any type of website. With its wide range of features and customization options, users can create high-quality and successful websites.

FAQ about Striking, the oldest and most supported WordPress theme in the ThemeForest market

Q: What is Striking MultiFlex?

A: Striking MultiFlex is a highly functional and flexible WordPress theme that can be used for different types of websites, including photography, gaming, automotive and real estate, blog, portfolio, ecommerce. Furthermore, it is highly customizable and allows you to get maximum flexibility, without having to change the theme every two years.

Q: How long has Striking MultiFlex been on the ThemeForest market?

A: Striking MultiFlex was introduced to the ThemeForest marketplace in 2010. Since that time, it has developed to become the oldest and most supported WordPress theme.

Q: How can I get the latest Striking MultiFlex update?

A: The latest update to Striking MultiFlex, version, has been approved by ThemeForest and has been pushed via our API update system, as well as being available for download from your ThemeForest account. However, in order to use the built-in update feature, your Envato license media must be updated.

Q: What has changed in version compared to version 2.2?

A: The difference between version and version 2.2 is a woo template update. In particular, in the Woo update they made an unadvertised change to a plugin template file, which we overwrite with our own to allow for advanced customization.

Q: Does Striking MultiFlex support WP Multisite?

A: Yes, Striking MultiFlex supports WP Multisite and has been approved by WPML.

Q: Is Striking MultiFlex compatible with WooCommerce?

A: Yes, Striking MultiFlex is fully compatible with the latest version of WooCommerce. Additionally, the theme includes many WooCommerce-related settings in the theme options panel.

Q: Which premium plugins are recommended for use with Striking MultiFlex?

A: Striking MultiFlex is compatible with a wide range of plugins, but some of our users' favorites are: Visual Composer, Slider Revolution, Essential Grid, LayerSlider, WPML.

Q: Can I customize the look of Striking MultiFlex?

A: Yes, Striking MultiFlex is highly customizable through the theme admin interface. You can also use custom code snippets to further customize your theme.

Q: What types of websites are best suited to Striking MultiFlex?

A: Striking MultiFlex is a true multipurpose theme and therefore suitable for different types of websites, including photography, gaming, automotive and real estate, blogs, portfolios, ecommerce, and university websites.

Q: What are the features of Striking Support?

A: Striking has a high level of support, with numerous users saying they are very satisfied with the service. The support team is available to answer questions every day, and the support forum has thousands of custom solutions for specific customization cases. Please note that support is not provided in the comments section of the theme, but only through our dedicated support forum.

Q: How many times has Striking MultiFlex been updated since 2010?

A: Since 2010, Striking MultiFlex has been updated more than 200 times to include new features and ensure compatibility with the latest versions of WordPress.

“Stai riscontrando problemi con Striking – MultiFlex & Ecommerce Responsive WP Theme? Non preoccuparti! Contatta la G Tech Group aprendo un ticket e scrivendo a per ricevere assistenza professionale nell’installazione e configurazione del plugin.”


Gianluca Gentile
Gianluca Gentile

My name is Gianluca Gentile, born in 1991. I have always had an immense passion for IT. Computers and the web, in fact, have become my inseparable adventure companions. So in 2012 I decided to transform my attitude and my skills into a "job". Through experience and professionalism I deal with restructuring and building the image of a company from scratch. Among my duties is the management of every phase of the creative process, meticulously taking care of every aspect of the advertising campaigns on the various media.

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