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Sabai Directory è un plugin per WordPress che consente di creare facilmente e gestire un directory aziendale sul proprio sito web. Con Sabai Directory, i proprietari di siti web possono creare e pubblicare elenchi di imprese locali, fornendo informazioni dettagliate sulle attività e sulla loro posizione.
The plugin is extremely versatile, offers a wide range of features and can be customized to meet the specific needs of the site owner. It is easy to navigate and offers an intuitive user interface that allows the site visitor to easily find the information they need.
The Sabai Directory plugin was developed thinking about the needs of users who wish to create a website dedicated to the promotion of local businesses. One of its best features is the advanced search option, which allows site users to easily find the information they are looking for. This advanced search option allows you to select a wide variety of options, such as location, business type, company characteristics, etc.
Sabai Directory is also able to integrate with several online payment platforms, allowing site users to book and pay online for the services they need directly from the platform. The plugin also offers a feedback and review system, which allows users to leave reviews on businesses and services, in order to help other users find the company they need.
Il plugin Sabai Directory è stato sviluppato in modo da adattarsi a tutte le esigenze dei propri utenti, offrendo una vasta gamma di opzioni di customization. È possibile personalizzare i dettagli dell’elenco aziendale, i colori, i layout e le opzioni di ricerca, in modo da creare un sito web che rifletta il proprio stile e le proprie esigenze.
In summary, Sabai Directory is a highly useful tool for website owners who want to create a useful business directory on their site. The plugin is highly customizable, easy to use and very effective in helping site users find information about local businesses quickly and conveniently. If you need a simple, fast and powerful way to create a business directory on your website, then Sabai Directory is the perfect solution.
What is Sabai Directory?
Sabai Directory is a paid directory plugin for WordPress that allows you to create directories of local businesses in your community, such as Yelp.com, Google+ Places, or Yahoo! Local.
What are the features of Sabai Directory?
Features of Sabai Directory include:
– Display of company lists in list, grid or map mode
– Fully responsive and flat design
– Search for companies by keywords, category, distance and location
– Campi personalizzati con un editor visuale di form (scelta, data, HTML, testo markdown, numero, ON/OFF, testo di un solo componente, CAPTCHA, utente, interruzione di sezione, caricamento di file, caricamento di immagini, video, e-mail, numero di telefono, e altro ancora)
– Company classification and user reviews with 1-5 star rating system
– Adding featured photos on company pages
– Support for adding information about different locations of a company
– Comments and ratings on user reviews and photos
– Adding reviews and photographs to favorites, reporting inappropriate content
– Geolocation and driving directions on the map
– Customized pages for each individual company
Are there sites that use Sabai Directory?
There is no official list of sites that use Sabai Directory but there are many examples of websites that use this plugin.
What is Directories Pro?
Directories Pro is a new directory plugin based on custom post types and taxonomies, which includes much more features than Sabai Directory.
Which plugin do you recommend, Sabai Directory or Directories Pro?
If you are new, it is recommended to use Directories Pro as it has much more features than Sabai Directory.
Is Sabai Directory compatible with WordPress?
Yes, Sabai Directory is a plugin for WordPress.
Does Sabai Directory support languages other than English?
Yes, Sabai Directory supports numerous languages, although it is only available in English.
Does Sabai Directory work with BuddyPress?
Yes, Sabai Directory works perfectly with BuddyPress.
How can I get help with Sabai Directory?
For assistance, you can visit the author's website where support forums and documentation are available.
“Problems with Sabai Directory – Business directory plugin for WordPress? Don't worry! G Tech Group is here to help you. Open a ticket by sending an email to support@gtechgroup.it and receive the necessary assistance for installing and configuring the plugin.”