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Rhythm – Multi-purpose single and multi-page template.


rhythm template polifunzionale a pagina singola e multipla.


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Rhythm is a single- or multi-page multipurpose model that offers a wide range of features and options for customization to adapt to a wide range of projects. Its flexible structure allows you to create simple or complex websites with no limits and maximum creative freedom. Here is a detailed overview of its functions and features:

Design responsive and modern: The template is designed to automatically adapt to any device, providing optimal visibility and navigation from desktop to mobile view. Its modern and clean design makes it perfect for projects in different categories, such as schools, businesses, creative agencies, and so on.

Pre-built layouts: Rhythm comes with more than 170 pre-built layouts, which include variations on more than 100 sections, to help you create your website quickly and efficiently. The wide choice of layouts also allows you to find the right one for your project.

Design personalizzabile: Grazie al potere del CSS e HTML, le possibilità di personalizzazione sono illimitate. Gli utenti possono scegliere tra un’ampia gamma di opzioni di personalizzazione, inclusi font, colori, stili di menu e molto altro ancora. Possiamo personalizzare il nostro sito come vogliamo.

Easy-to-use control panel: Rhythm offers an intuitive, easy-to-use control panel that lets you customize your homepage, internal pages, typography, and more with just a few clicks. The control panel allows you to create, edit and manage your website quickly and easily.

Premium Plugins: Rhythm includes a wide range of premium third-party plugins, such as Revolution Slider, Visual Composer, and WooCommerce. These plugins make site creation a lot easier, adding advanced features without having to worry about programming.

Integrazione di social media: Con la proliferazione dei social media in tutto il mondo, Rhythm offre un’ampia gamma di opzioni per integrare i social media nel tuo sito web. Grazie alle icone dei social media su misura, gli utenti possono condividere il tuo sito web sulla maggior parte dei siti di social media in modo facile e veloce.

Passcode generation: Rhythm offers color selection, custom typography and layouts. Furthermore, there are also customizable code options, and you can create smooth animations. This also generates an access code for editing the website, giving you the ability to update the site itself without having to worry about lowering the quality of the message published.

Api ben strutturate: Rhythm ha un’API ben strutturata per supportare gli sviluppatori, che ha una documentazione ben scritta. Ciò consente ai programmi di sviluppare funzionalità personalizzate, oltre che di modificare la struttura stessa della propria pagina.

High-quality support document: Rhythm's support documentation is comprehensive and offers a wealth of information and ways to use the system. Documentation is intuitively organized and accessible as needed.

In summary, Rhythm is a multipurpose template with a variety of features and customization options that make it suitable for any type of project. Thanks to its flexible structure, the system is easy to manage and can meet the needs of different categories of users.

Q: This item is a theme of WordPress?
A: No, this object is an HTML template. It is not a WordPress theme.

Q: C’è qualche demo disponibile per questo oggetto?
A: Yes, there are more than 50 demos available, both for one page and multiple pages.

Q: How many HTML files are included in this object?
A: More than 180 HTML files are included.

Q: How many portfolio pages are included?
A: More than 40 portfolio pages are included.

Q: How many individual project pages are included?
A: 5 individual project pages are included.

Q: Are there different menu bar options?
A: Yes, light, dark and transparent menus are available.

Q: Is Isotope Wallet supported in this item?
A: Yes, Isotope wallet is included in this item to filter wallets.

Q: Does this item include Revolution Slider? How much does it cost?
A: Yes, this item includes Revolution Slider. You will save $14.00 by using this item.

Q: Can I customize this item easily?
A: Yes, this item is easily customizable. You can change backgrounds, color schemes, and content.

Q: Is this object responsive?
A: Yes, this item is fully responsive.

Q: Is this item Retina ready?
A: Yes, this item is Retina ready.

Q: How many Font Awesome icons are included in this item?
A: There are more than 400 Font Awesome icons included in this item.

Q: How many Et-line icons are included in this item?
A: More than 100 Et-line icons are included in this item.

Q: What framework is this object powered by?
A: This item is powered by Bootstrap.

Q: Can I add parallax sections?
A: Yes, this item includes parallax sections.

Q: Does this item include smooth animations?
A: Yes, this item includes smooth animations.

Q: Does the Ajax contact form work correctly?
A: Yes, the Ajax contact form works correctly and includes information verification.

Q: Are there other contact forms available?
A: Yes, there is a newsletter signup form with Mailchimp.

Q: Is it easy to integrate Google Maps?
A: Yes, it's easy to integrate Google Maps through data attributes.

Q: How many blog layout options are available in this item?
A: There are 9 blog layout options available.

Q: What post variations are available in this item?
A: There are 5 post variations to choose from: text post, image, gallery, video, quote.

Q: Are there any powerful shortcodes in this object?
A: Yes, there are powerful shortcodes in this object.

Q: Does this item support responsive video?
A: Yes, this item supports responsive videos from YouTube, Vimeo,, Viddler and Kickstarter.

Q: Is this item compatible with modern browsers?
A: Yes, this item is compatible with Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera and Edge.

Q: Is this item well documented?
A: Yes, this item is well documented.

Q:What photos are included in this item?
A: All photos used in this item are for illustrative purposes only and all rights to them belong to their legal owners.

Q: What are the credits for this item?
A: Credits for this item include jQuery, jQuery Easing Plugin, Bootstrap, jQuery WOW, Owl Carousel, jQuery countTo Plugin, Gmap3, FitVids, jQuery.localScroll, jQuery.scrollTo, mb.YTPlayer, jQuery Parallax, Isotope, Masonry, Smooth Scroll, Sticky, jQuery.viewport, Magnific Popups and Morphext.

Q: What is the update version information for this item?
A: Le informazioni di versione degli aggiornamenti per questo oggetto sono elencate nella sezione “Changelog” dell’oggetto.

Hai problemi con Rhythm – Multipurpose One/Multi Page Template? Non preoccuparti! La G Tech Group è qui per aiutarti. Basta aprire un ticket scrivendo a per ottenere assistenza per l’installazione e la configurazione del plugin. Non esitare a contattarci per qualsiasi problema tu abbia. Siamo pronti ad aiutarti!


Gianluca Gentile

My name is Gianluca Gentile, born in 1991. I have always had an immense passion for IT. Computers and the web, in fact, have become my inseparable adventure companions. So in 2012 I decided to transform my attitude and my skills into a "job". Through experience and professionalism I deal with restructuring and building the image of a company from scratch. Among my duties is the management of every phase of the creative process, meticulously taking care of every aspect of the advertising campaigns on the various media.

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