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MapSVG è un plugin avanzato per la creazione di mappe personalizzate, store locator e mappe interattive che sono perfettamente integrate con WordPress. Questo plugin può essere utilizzato per la creazione di mappe di qualsiasi tipo, tra cui mappe di città, mappe di immobili, mappe di piste da sci, mappe di campus universitari, mappe di musei e molto altro.
La caratteristica principale di MapSVG è la sua capacità di creare mappe interattive altamente personalizzate e dinamiche che offrono molte funzionalità avanzate. La customization delle mappe può essere effettuata attraverso un’interfaccia utente drag-and-drop facile da usare, che permette agli utenti di visualizzare le mappe che stanno creando in tempo reale.
With MapSVG you can draw country or region shapes and/or specify areas to select through an intuitive user interface. This feature can be used to create custom maps of any territory you want. Additionally, MapSVG also offers a range of interaction features, including the ability to add infoboxes, display images, or color selected areas in maps.
Another advantage offered by MapSVG is the possibility of creating a personalized store locator that allows site visitors to easily find the location of the shops. With this feature, stores can be geolocalized on the map, and users can search for nearby stores by their address. Furthermore, MapSVG also has features that allow you to implement a store review system and a store search filter system.
MapSVG was designed with the idea of offering an easy-to-use, but also highly customizable platform. You can integrate custom maps and store location features into any WordPress-based website. Additionally, MapSVG maps can be used on any mobile device, meaning users will be able to use the store locator functionality directly from their smartphone.
The MapSVG plugin also includes a section dedicated to data analysis, which allows you to monitor the use of maps and user activities. This feature provides a complete picture of user activities and offers valuable information on the use of maps and location-based features.
Ultimately, MapSVG is a highly effective WordPress plugin for creating custom maps, store locators and interactive maps. Thanks to its ease of use, its highly customizable features and its seamless integration with WordPress, MapSVG is a great tool for those looking to improve the user experience on their website, offering an intuitive and interactive method for search for geographic information.
What is the link and login credentials for the WP-Admin demo?
The link to access the WP-Admin demo is https://wp.mapsvg.com/wp-admin, the login credentials are login: demo / password: demo123.
What is MapSVG?
MapSVG is a plugin for WordPress with which you can create custom interactive maps with different map types: vector, Google Map and images.
What can be mapped with MapSVG?
With MapSVG you can map anything: objects, content, statistics and more.
What types of maps can MapSVG handle?
MapSVG handles different types of maps:
– SVG vector maps of all countries
– Customizable Google Maps with unlimited styles
– Google Maps with custom vector overlay
– PNG/JPEG image maps with added interactivity
What can you do with the MapSVG editor?
The MapSVG editor allows you to create and edit objects on the map through a modern, performance-optimized database. Additionally, you can view content on the map as markers, create marker groups, and view popovers, tooltips, or details about an object with a click on the map.
What types of filters are available in MapSVG?
MapSVG offers several types of filters:
– Text search
– Search for nearby locations via the user's current address or location
– Search by postal code
– Custom filters
How can large amounts of statistical data be displayed on the map?
MapSVG allows you to represent the statistical information of each region on the map with color gradient shades.
How can I customize the map functionality?
The map functionality can be customized by adding a few lines of Javascript code in MapSVG's event editor. There are many events to choose from.
How can you customize map styles?
Map styles can be customized using the built-in template editor and CSS editor.
What integrations does MapSVG offer?
You can add shortcodes from other plugins to MapSVG. For example, you can display a contact form by clicking on a marker and pass the email stored in the clicked object to the “email_to” field of the contact form.
How can I add a gallery to the map?
You can use the MapSVG.Gallery plugin to display a photo gallery, slider and lightbox with images.
What other features does MapSVG offer?
Other features of MapSVG include the drill-down functionality to show another map by clicking on a region of a main map, and the ability to add controls to allow the user to display or hide certain objects.
“Stai avendo problemi con l’installazione o la configurazione di MapSVG – All Kinds of Maps and Store Locator for WordPress? Non preoccuparti, la G Tech Group è qui per aiutarti! Apri un ticket inviando una email a support@gtechgroup.it e il team di assistenza sarà felice di fornirti tutto il supporto necessario per risolvere qualsiasi problema.”