Store locator (Google Maps) for WordPress



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Il plugin Store Locator per WordPress utilizza la potenza di Google Maps per creare un sistema avanzato di localizzazione negozi, filiali, uffici e altri punti di interesse. La sua interfaccia utente intuitiva consente a chiunque di trovare facilmente il punto vendita più vicino a loro, fornendo informazioni dettagliate come l’indirizzo completo, il numero di telefono, le ore di apertura, le recensioni degli utenti, le immagini e altro ancora.

Una volta installato, il plugin offre molteplici opzioni di customization che ti permettono di adattarlo alle esigenze specifiche del tuo business. Ad esempio, puoi scegliere tra una vasta gamma di mappe tematiche per personalizzare l’aspetto visivo della tua mappa, oltre a poter inserire loghi personalizzati ed icone dei punti di interesse.

Furthermore, you can set different labels for your points of interest, to ensure easy understanding for your users. This option allows you to customize the visual appearance of your map and the label that describes the point of interest.

There is also the possibility to filter the search results with specific keywords, to make the search even more precise. This is particularly useful when looking for a certain type of shop, such as a grocery store, a pharmacy, a newsagent, but also to search for public offices or specific companies.

To use the Store Locator plugin, you need to have a Google Maps API account, which gives you access to a wide range of advanced features. Once registered, you can easily integrate your account with your WordPress site.

Once you've set up your Google Maps account, you can start creating your store map. The plugin allows you to add points of interest on the map easily, through an intuitive interface, allowing you to define the specifications allowing your users to find the point of sale more precisely.

Furthermore, Store Locator for WordPress allows you to view all your stores in one place, showing different details such as opening hours, user reviews or images.

The map can also be customized, making it more relevant to the needs of your business. For example, you can change the icons of points of interest or choose a thematic map to use.

But not only that, Store Locator is equipped with an advanced search function that allows users to search for the store they are interested in, entering a series of criteria such as search terms, geographical position and search radius. Users can use the search field to search for the nearest stores or enter the desired location.

Additionally, Store Locator for WordPress allows you to easily integrate your store map with your site through widgets and shortcodes. Each user can search for points of interest directly from your website and easily find the address, telephone number and detailed information of each shop.


In summary, Store Locator for WordPress is a very important tool for companies that need to provide information about their stores and offices. Thanks to Google Maps, users can easily find the nearest shop or office, viewing all useful information such as address, telephone number, opening hours and user reviews.

The plugin also offers advanced features such as advanced search, customizable map and the ability to filter search results. Furthermore, thanks to the integration on widgets and shortcodes, the map can be easily embedded on your website. Thanks to this tool, companies have the opportunity to provide important information to their customers, improving the user experience and growing the business.

What is Agile Store Locator?
Agile Store Locator is a premium WordPress Google Maps plugin designed to give you instant access to all the best stores in your area. The plugin can be used for shop list, offers list, hotel list, real estate list, restaurant list, jobs list and so on.

What are the features of the Store Locator (Google Maps) plugin?
The Store Locator (Google Maps) plugin has many features, including:
– 5 beautiful themes for the frontend
– Multiple layouts with list and agreement option
– Accordion template with hierarchy of countries, states, cities and stores
– Color palette for selecting the Google Maps plugin user interface
– InfoWindow multiples
– Extra templates for offers websites to showcase their exciting offers on maps
– Extra templates for real estate websites to showcase their properties and categorize them into Sale, Rental and Featured
– Easy customization of information window contents, which is a unique feature
– Easily customize your store listing by adding just a few keywords
– Admin dashboard for store locator with all statistics of your bookmarks, stores, categories and search
– Analytics bar chart to show users searches, which location they searched for the most and which store was viewed the most
– Selection of time for each day for each location
– Duplicate any store with just one click
– Add bookmarks with each category, switch between category bookmarks and default bookmarks
– 2 Quick locate dialog for GeoLocation
– Select the distance unit Miles/KM
– Mark the marker to point to the location
– Manage marker icons with names (UPDATE, ADD and DELETE)
– Set the zoom level of the clicked marker
– Manage category icons with names (UPDATE, ADD and DELETE)
– Clear all stores with one click
– Choose the type of Google map: hybrid, roadmap, satellite or terrain
– View the distance to each store from your current location
– Load only screen bookmarks onto the selection
– Custom filter option
– Disable the scroll wheel
– Enable/Disable advanced filtering
– Assign marker to each category and enable category markers
– Draw shapes/Circle around your best positions
– Change the placeholder text for your search field
– Show category icons instead of marker icons
– Enable/Disable the Distance Slider
– Choose the default latitude/longitude of your map
– Edit the header title text
– Change the font color for the default template
– Edit the category title text
– Enable/Disable the store list panel
– Search stores by store ID, title, description, street, state, city, phone, email, URL, zip code, disabled, marker, logo and creation date in WP-Admin store management
– Customize your Google maps with drawing overlay (Polygon, Rectangle, Circle) of multiple colors
– Choose the look and feel of Snazzy Maps maps
– Search by address with auto-pan option
– Filter store locator by category for many store locators
– Add Google layers to show traffic, transit and bike layers
– Enable marker animation
– Total store counter with real-time update as you move around the map
– Restrict Google search to country
– Switch between Google search and title search on the store locator
– Enable total width for your plugin
– Enable/Disable Analytics
– Enable/Disable sorting by limits
– Add text for “No items found”
– Shows the closest stores from your search location
– Default category selection option
– Option to select the map language
– Option to select map region for tiles
– Management of logos with customization of the template within the theme
– Set the fixed radius value for range scrolling
– Full screen map and fixed limit for range scrolling
– Update existing stores using import
– Open direction in the Google Maps app on mobile devices
– Enable custom sorting
– Radius Circle for Search
– CSV support with Excel sheet
– Second search with search parameter_2
– Support for Bootstrap 4
– Import store images via URL
– Compatible with WordPress 5.4.

Are there demos available for Agile Store Locator?
Yes, there are demos available for Agile Store Locator. There are five demo templates: Template 0 Demo, Template 1 Demo, Template 2 Demo, Template 3 Demo and Template List Demo.

Is there a WordPress Store Locator plugin available?
Yes, there is a WordPress Store Locator plugin available. It's called Store Finder WordPress | Location Finder WordPress.

“Se riscontri problemi con Store Locator (Google Maps) For WordPress, non preoccuparti! La G Tech Group è pronta ad aiutarti. Apri un ticket inviando una e-mail a per ricevere assistenza per l’installazione e la configurazione del plugin.”


Gianluca Gentile
Gianluca Gentile

My name is Gianluca Gentile, born in 1991. I have always had an immense passion for IT. Computers and the web, in fact, have become my inseparable adventure companions. So in 2012 I decided to transform my attitude and my skills into a "job". Through experience and professionalism I deal with restructuring and building the image of a company from scratch. Among my duties is the management of every phase of the creative process, meticulously taking care of every aspect of the advertising campaigns on the various media.

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