FOX – Professional Currency Changer for WooCommerce



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FOX – Currency Switcher Professional for WooCommerce è un plug-in per il popolare sistema di e-commerce basato su WordPress, WooCommerce, che permette ai propri utenti di convalidare diversi tipi di valute internazionali sui propri negozi online.

This plugin is a very powerful and versatile device as it offers a wide variety of features to customize and automate the currency conversion process. In particular, FOX Currency Switcher Professional for WooCommerce includes a number of advanced features, such as auto-decision on currency, the use of custom rates, the ability to set an exchange rate and 'background checks'.

Currency auto-decision is a useful feature that allows you to set a base currency for your store, with intuitive graphics that allow customers to change the currency at any time based on their geographic location.

Using custom rates allows store owners to define specific exchange rates for each currency, allowing them to maintain control over profits and avoid international currency fluctuations.

Furthermore, the possibility of fixing an exchange rate is a very interesting option as it allows you to earn more profits by getting a higher price for a certain product in a certain currency. This is especially useful for traders who sell global products in foreign currencies.

Finally, background checks allow you to further customize the currency conversion process, providing detailed diagnostics for evaluation and the ability to perform pre-credit card checks.

Proprio come i suoi concorrenti, il plug-in di FOX svolge l’importante lavoro di garantire che le politiche di pagamento dei negozi vengano fatte rispettando la normativa internazionale e mantenendo l’organizzazione remota dei beni e i servizi all’interno della stessa. Con un’ampia gamma di opzioni di customization, FOX – Currency Switcher Professional for WooCommerce è un potente strumento che consente ai proprietari di negozi online di vendere i propri prodotti in qualsiasi parte del mondo e di garantire che i clienti possano effettuare pagamenti in valuta locale.

In this way, the plugin helps online store owners reduce the risk of losing sales due to currency conversion issues and facilitates the management and control of business policies globally.

In generale, FOX – Currency Switcher Professional for WooCommerce è uno strumento estremamente utile per qualsiasi proprietario di un online store che desideri aprire il proprio business a livello internazionale. Offre una serie di opzioni di personalizzazione avanzate che consentono agli utenti di creare un sistema di conversione valutaria flessibile e adattabile alle loro esigenze specifiche, senza doversi preoccupare di mantenere manualmente i tassi di cambio aggiornati.

FAQ: FOX – Currency Switcher Professional for WooCommerce

1. What exactly does FOX – Currency Switcher Professional for WooCommerce do?
FOX is a WooCommerce multi currency plugin that allows site visitors to change the currency of product prices based on the store admin's preferences in real time and pay in the selected currency (optionally).

2. Can any currency be added, even a cryptocurrency?
Yes, with FOX you can add any currency, even cryptocurrencies and those that don't exist!

3. How do I manage payment in currency?
The store admin can decide whether the customer should pay in the chosen currency or the base currency of the store.

4. How do I manage the geolocation of payments?
The store administrator can decide whether the customer should pay in the currency of the country they are located in.

5. How do I manage fixed prices?
The store admin can predefine fixed prices for each currency which do not depend on the exchange rate.

6. How do I manage pricing based on user role?
Store admin can set product prices based on user role.

7. How do I manage payment methods?
The store admin can set his own payment method for each currency.

8. How do you create a currency selector?
FOX has an interactive designer that allows you to create a currency selector that fits your store design.

9. How do I update exchange rates?
The store admin can decide whether or not to update the exchange rates and set the update period.

10. Can I use custom currency symbols?
The store administrator can insert several currency symbols that do not exist, for example for a video game store currency.

11. Is it possible to set individual GeoIP rules for each product?
Yes, the store admin can set individual currency rules for each product.

12. How can I analyze currency exchange and order statistics?
FOX provides a tool to analyze the currencies used by customers, the statistics take into account both the currencies exchanged and the order currencies.

13. Can I use WooCommerce Currency Switcher as a widget or shortcode?
Yes, WooCommerce Currency Switcher is available both as a widget and as a shortcode [woocs], which can be placed anywhere in your store.

14. What are the graphics options for WooCommerce Currency Switcher?
WooCommerce Currency Switcher can be represented as dropdown menu, flag images, side switch, button.

15. Can I show the approximate price of the user's currency?
Yes, FOX displays the approximate price of the user's currency on the product page and checkout page.

16. Can I hide or show payment ports depending on the current currency?
Yes, FOX allows you to hide or show payment ports depending on the current currency.

17. What happens if my store uses a caching plugin?
If your store uses a caching plugin, you can activate a special option that allows you to show the current currency on cached pages.

18. How do I manage free and minimum shipping prices?
FOX allows you to set the minimum free shipping value and minimum shipping value for each currency.

19. Can I set different prices for each user role in the base currency?
Yes, this is a very powerful feature of FOX for your store customers with loyalty program.

20. Are there any other advanced features for FOX?
Yes, FOX has a rich API to achieve individual store business goals.

“If you are having difficulty using FOX – Currency Switcher Professional for WooCommerce, don't worry, G Tech Group is here to help! Open a support ticket by writing to and our team of experts will be happy to help you with the installation and configuration of the plugin. Contact us now!”


Gianluca Gentile
Gianluca Gentile

My name is Gianluca Gentile, born in 1991. I have always had an immense passion for IT. Computers and the web, in fact, have become my inseparable adventure companions. So in 2012 I decided to transform my attitude and my skills into a "job". Through experience and professionalism I deal with restructuring and building the image of a company from scratch. Among my duties is the management of every phase of the creative process, meticulously taking care of every aspect of the advertising campaigns on the various media.

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