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Filter Everything è un plugin di WordPress / WooCommerce che consente ai proprietari di negozi online di aggiungere facilmente filtri di prodotto personalizzati alle loro pagine di prodotto WooCommerce. Questo plugin è compatibile con WordPress e WooCommerce più recenti e può essere utilizzato con qualsiasi tema WooCommerce. Filter Everything viene fornito con una vasta gamma di opzioni di customization e può essere utilizzato in modo flessibile per rispondere alle esigenze di ogni azienda. In questo articolo parleremo di come funziona Filter Everything, elencandone le varie caratteristiche.
First of all, Filter Everything is very easy to install and configure. In minutes, you can start creating custom product filters and update your online store with a single click. Filter Everything comes with a comprehensive user manual that provides step-by-step instructions on how to install, configure, and customize the plugin. Additionally, the developer provides free technical support during the first three months of purchase.
Filter Everything supports a wide range of filter types such as checkbox, radio, select, range slider and many more. Thanks to the wide range of filter types, users will be able to narrow down their product selection to find the specific products they are looking for. In this way, Filter Everything is a great solution for online stores that have a large product catalog.
The plugin also allows the addition of facets to filter and product pages. These facets show the number of products available in each category and the number of results available for each filter combination selected by the user. This way, users can easily see what product availability is, helping them make informed purchasing decisions.
Filter Everything also supports keyword search. Users can type product-specific keywords directly into the search box and see results with custom product filter. This not only improves the user experience, but also the ease of navigation within the online store.
Filter Everything also allows you to save your own custom filter types. These saved filters can be used throughout the site, so users can easily gather information about the products they are looking for. Additionally, Filter Everything allows the creation of multiple product filters. Users can jump from one filter page to another to find different products that match their search criteria.
A further feature that makes this plugin very useful is the possibility of using customized product filters even on category pages. This allows online store owners to personalize and improve the user experience not only on the product page, but also on the catalog page. In other words, Filter Everything makes the user experience very seamless within your online store.
Finally, Filter Everything is also highly customizable and supports a wide range of customization options. Users can choose filter layouts, customize the background color, choose different icons, set price limits and much more. Thanks to this customization, Filter Everything easily adapts to the designs of any online store.
In summary, Filter Everything is a very useful plugin for online store owners who are looking to improve user experience and navigation within the site. Thanks to its wide range of customization options, filter types and compatibility, Filter Everything could become your best ally for online sales!
What is Filter Everything PRO?
Filter Everything PRO is a new professional plugin for WordPress/WooCommerce that allows you to create a powerful faceted filtering system for your site.
What features should the best filter plugin have?
The plugin should allow filtering by any possible criteria, support any type of filter display (checkbox, radio buttons, label list, dropdown, range), be usable on mobile devices, work quickly and support AJAX, be compatible with WordPress themes and popular plugins like ACF and WPML. All these features are supported by Filter Everything PRO.
What can I filter with the plugin?
You can filter any type of WordPress post, including products, articles, cars, houses, recipes, etc.
Can I use the plugin on pages created with Page builders?
Yes, Filter Everything PRO works on any WordPress page, including those created with Elementor, Divi builder, Themify, WPBakery, Visual Composer, Oxygen builder, Beaver builder, etc.
Can I sort the filtered results by any criteria?
Yes, Filter Everything PRO allows you to sort the filtered results by any criteria you want.
Does the plugin support cross-page searches?
Yes, Filter Everything PRO supports searching on any page, including category and tag lists.
Does the plugin support intelligent filtering of WooCommerce variations?
Yes, Filter Everything PRO supports intelligent filtering of WooCommerce product variations.
Does the plugin support engaging URLs?
Yes, Filter Everything PRO supports catchy URLs like “/blue-color/apple-brand/”.
Il plugin funziona con qualsiasi WordPress theme?
Yes, Filter Everything PRO is compatible with any WordPress theme; allows you to select the primary color of the filters and choose the horizontal or vertical layout.
Is there a way to translate the plugin into other languages?
Yes, Filter Everything PRO contains a *.pot file that allows you to translate it into any language. You can do this with the Loco Translate plugin or the Poedit desktop software.
What APIs does the plugin support?
Filter Everything PRO supports the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) API, and the field types that are currently supported and tested include Checkbox, Radio, Select, Number, and True/False.
How can I install the plugin and create the first filters?
To install the plugin and create the first filters, you can follow the video tutorial available in the documentation.
What is the mission of the plugin?
The main goal of developing the Filter Everything plugin is to create a professional and comprehensive filtering tool for WordPress, which meets the requirements of both site visitors and site administrators, as well as SEO specialists. To achieve this, the development of the plugin was based on the experience of the world's most popular online stores implemented in WordPress, as well as the opinions of SEO experts.
Are there any development plans for the future?
Yes, Filter Everything PRO is in continuous development and future plans include implementing an XML sitemap for indexed filtering results pages and continually improving the plugin's functionality.
“If you are experiencing issues with Filter Everything – WordPress/WooCommerce Product Filter, please do not hesitate to contact G Tech Group for assistance. You can open a ticket by writing to support@gtechgroup.it and our team will be available to help you install and configure the plugin.”