WP Rescue

How to disable WordPress login screen language switcher

As simplify the login screen of WordPress eliminating the language selector. Semplici passaggi per migliorare l’User Experience dei tuoi utenti.

WordPress is a very popular blogging and website building platform that can be used in several languages. However, some users prefer to use it only in a specific language, and therefore need to remove the language selector on the login screen, in order to avoid login errors or a linguistic confusion. In this article, we will show you how to disable the language switcher on the WordPress login screen.

Disable WordPress login screen language switcher, how to do it?

Se gestisci un sito multilingue su WordPress, probabilmente hai notato che il selettore di lingua nella pagina di login può risultare fastidioso per te e per i tuoi utenti. Infatti, oltre ad aggiungere un’ulteriore opzione da selezionare, può confondere gli utenti che non parlano la lingua predefinita del sito.

Fortunately, in this guide you will be able to Easily turn off the language switcher e semplificare la pagina di login di WordPress. Non solo renderai la tua pagina di login più pulita e professionale, ma migliorerai anche l’esperienza dell’utente, facendo in modo che i tuoi visitatori si focus on the content of the site and not on superficial details. All this in a few simple steps:

Guide on how to disable the language selector on the login screen
remove WordPress login screen language selector


1. Why should I disable the language switcher on the WordPress login screen?
This should be done if you prefer to use only one language on your blog or website. This will eliminate the possibility of login errors or language confusion.

2. Can I change the default language of my WordPress site without disabling the language switcher?
Absolutely yes. You can change the default language of your WordPress site without disabling the language switcher. However, if you prefer to use only one language, disabling the language switcher is a good option.

3. What if I need to use multiple languages on my WordPress site?
In caso di necessità di utilizzare più lingue sul tuo sito WordPress, è consigliabile lasciare attivo il selettore di lingua. In questo modo, gli utenti potranno selezionare la lingua preferita durante l’accesso al tuo sito, facilitando la navigazione.

How to disable the language selector in the WordPress login screen, conclusion

In short, disable the language switcher on the WordPress login screen It is fast and easy. However, it is important to know if this option is right for you and your WordPress site. If you prefer only one language, it can therefore be a good option. If, however, you need to use multiple languages on your site, you will need to leave the language switcher active facilitate user navigation. We hope this article has been helpful to you in managing your WordPress platform.

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Gianluca Gentile

My name is Gianluca Gentile, born in 1991. I have always had an immense passion for IT. Computers and the web, in fact, have become my inseparable adventure companions. So in 2012 I decided to transform my attitude and my skills into a "job". Through experience and professionalism I deal with restructuring and building the image of a company from scratch. Among my duties is the management of every phase of the creative process, meticulously taking care of every aspect of the advertising campaigns on the various media.

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