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Complete GDPR/AVG/CCPA cookie compliance for WordPress – WeePie Cookie Allow.


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The Complete GDPR / AVG / CCPA Cookie Compliance plugin for. WordPress by WeePie Cookie Allow is a unique and powerful tool that helps bloggers and website owners comply with cookie privacy regulations. Simply put, the plugin enables compliance with European GDPR laws, California's CCPA law and AVG privacy laws and comes with several options to customization that fit the needs of one's website.

The WeePie Cookie Allow plugin was designed to be easily installed and used, without the need for any advanced technical knowledge. Furthermore, the plugin is constantly updated to be compatible with the latest news and privacy regulations. But how exactly does it work?

When a user visits the Web site, the WeePie Cookie Allow plugin will display a banner informing them that the Web site uses cookies and requesting consent to use them. The user will be able to choose to accept cookies or reject them, so that they remain in full control of their privacy. In addition, the WeePie Cookie Allow plugin comes with many customization options for the appearance and behavior of the banner so that it is seamlessly integrated with the design of the website.

In addition to being fully configurable, the WeePie Cookie Allow plugin is highly compatible with other extensions and plugins, meaning it will not interfere with other important website tools. Furthermore, the plugin boasts an advanced tracking function that allows you to monitor user preferences and manage cookie consent.

The WeePie Cookie Allow plugin also allows users to customize the error message that is displayed when a user rejects cookies and to choose which cookies will be blocked from the start. It also allows you to divide cookies into categories and allow users to select which categories of cookies to accept or not accept.

However, the real strength of the WeePie Cookie Allow plugin is its compliance with high standards of online privacy protection. The plugin is designed to be fully GDPR, CCPA and AVG compliant, ensuring that users' sensitive data is fully protected.

In conclusion, if you own a website, the Complete GDPR / AVG / CCPA Cookie Compliance WordPress plugin by WeePie Cookie Allow is for you. With its ease of use, advanced customization, tracking feature, high compatibility, and compliance with privacy regulations, the WeePie Cookie Allow plugin is the perfect solution to manage your users' privacy and comply with the laws.

Frequently asked questions about using "The First Automatic Cookie Blocker Plugin for WordPress - EU GDPR & CCPA proof - since 2015" plugin:

1. What is the WeePie Cookie Allow plugin?
A: WeePie Cookie Allow is a WordPress plugin which allows you to fully comply with your country's cookie legislation in an easy, comprehensive and flexible way.

2. How does the plugin work?
A: The WeePie Cookie Allow plugin automatically displays a bar/box with cookie information and buttons to accept/reject cookies. It also provides the ability to automatically block third-party cookies before consent, display a configurable reconsideration icon, show the cookie settings window trigger as a hyperlink, and create a visually enhanced and customizable "Close" button bar.

3. Has the adequacy of the plugin to privacy regulations been ensured?
A: Yes, the WeePie Cookie Allow plugin fully complies with GDPR & CCPA guidelines. It is also constantly updated according to the new rules of the law.

4. What are the commands used in WeePie Cookie Allow?
A: The plugin uses a bar/box with a link to the cookie policy page, an icon to open the cookie settings window, an "Accept" button and a "Reject" button. In addition, the plugin offers a consent log, the ability to block third-party cookies before consent, and the ability to create a visually enhanced and customizable "Close" button bar.

5. Does the plugin offer the possibility of complying with Italian privacy regulatory standards?
A: Yes, the plugin offers specific options to comply with Italian cookie legislation. You can display a closing "X" within the bar/box for better compliance and a configurable reconsideration icon. Also, you can display the cookie settings trigger as a hyperlink and create a bar with a configurable title attribute.

6. Does the plugin support the possibility of eliminating consent (right to be forgotten)?
A: Yes, the WeePie Cookie Allow plugin offers the possibility for users to remove their consent (right to be forgotten).

7. Is the plugin able to guarantee good privacy protection also for visitors of international websites?
A: Yes, WeePie Cookie Allow enables full compliance with cookie regulations for international website visitors, including by automatically blocking third-party cookies and restricting consent to EU visitors only.

Are you having problems with the installation or configuration of Complete GDPR / AVG / CCPA Cookie Compliance WordPress plugin and don't know how to solve them? Don't worry! If you need assistance, you can contact the G Tech Group by opening a ticket by writing to The G Tech Group team will be happy to help you with the installation and configuration of the WeePie Cookie Allow plugin. Don't wait any longer, contact us now to solve your problems!


Gianluca Gentile

My name is Gianluca Gentile, born in 1991. I have always had an immense passion for IT. Computers and the web, in fact, have become my inseparable adventure companions. So in 2012 I decided to transform my attitude and my skills into a "job". Through experience and professionalism I deal with restructuring and building the image of a company from scratch. Among my duties is the management of every phase of the creative process, meticulously taking care of every aspect of the advertising campaigns on the various media.

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