Insert site on Google News: find out how to insert your site into Google News and increase the visibility of your news. Follow our detailed guide to meet the prerequisites and submit your inclusion request.
Google News is a news aggregation platform managed by the multinational company of the same name that allows users to access the latest news from online sources around the world. This service uses algorithms to select news from different web sources and organizes them based on different categories and interests.
It provides an easy way to access the latest updates on topics that interest you, whether local, national or international news, thereby viewing the pages that are most relevant. Furthermore, it has become an important point of reference for journalists and news agencies, who use the platform to increase the visibility of their articles and reach a wider audience.
So, if you are the owner of a news site or a blog and want to increase the visibility of your site, inserirlo in G.N. potrebbe essere un’ottima strategia. Ecco quindi una guida dettagliata su come inserire un sito in Google News.
Why it is advantageous to insert a site into Google News
Including a site on Google News can offer several advantages for owners of websites that publish news. Here are some reasons:
- Greater visibility: Google News is a very popular platform that offers curated and efficiently organized news for readers. Inserting your site on Google News can increase your site's visibility and attract new readers.
- Increase in traffic: With greater visibility the website could obtain a significant increase in traffic. Readers looking for news on the topics covered by the site could then click on the news and end up on your site.
- Credibility: Being present on this space can increase the credibility of the site in the eyes of readers. Since Google selects news based on its relevance and reliability, being included in this list can be seen as a sign of trustworthiness.
- Greater indexing possibilities: When Google selects news to publish on GN, it also indexes the websites from which the news comes. This means they will have a better chance of being indexed and positioned higher on search results.
- Possibility of monetization: More visibility and traffic means having greater possibilities of monetization through advertising programs or sponsorships.

Overall, being included in Google News can offer a number of benefits for owners of news websites. However, it is important to note that there are requirements and guidelines that must be adhered to.
Prerequisiti per l’inserimento
First of all, you need to meet the Google News prerequisites to be able to list your site on their platform. It involves respecting some very specific guidelines. Here's what you need to do:
- Original, high-quality content: GN requires the site to have high-quality, non-copied content, so make sure the articles are written by you or your editorial team. It is no coincidence that duplicate content, i.e. articles copied from other sources, are not accepted.
- Authoritative domain: your site must have an authoritative and reliable domain. Make sure you have a top-level domain, preferibilmente un .com, .it o .org. Inoltre, il sito deve avere un’età di almeno 6 mesi.
- No spammy or offensive content: There must be no spam or offensive content. Sites that contain inappropriate content or that violate ethical standards are excluded. Using an anti-spam service can help you a lot in this sense, for example in eliminating those comments on your articles that are clearly spam or offensive.
- Frequent updates: it is advisable for the site to have frequent and regular updates.
- Frequent publications: indispensable parameter is the constant publication of 0pl. ee information.
How to insert a site on Google News
Una volta che hai soddisfatto tutti i prerequisiti di Google News, puoi procedere con l’inserimento del tuo sito nella loro piattaforma. Segui questi passaggi:
- Sign in to Google News Publisher Center: To include your site in Google News, you need to log in to the Google News Publisher Center. If you don't have an account yet, create one.
- Check your site: una volta effettuato l’accesso, devi verificare il tuo sito. Puoi farlo tramite Google Search Console o aggiungendo un file HTML alla radice del tuo sito. La verifica del sito garantisce che Google News acceda alle informazioni del sito in modo affidabile e sicuro.
- Provide information on your site: dopo aver verificato il tuo sito, devi fornire informazioni sul tuo sito, come il nome, la lingua e la categoria di notizie che il tuo sito copre. Inoltre, dovrai fornire un’immagine del logo del tuo sito e un elenco di autori e editori. Fornire queste informazioni è importante per aiutare a classificare il tuo sito correttamente.
- Submit the inclusion request: dopo aver fornito le informazioni sul tuo sito, puoi inviare la richiesta di inclusione a Google News. Valuterà il tuo sito in base ai prerequisiti e alle linee guida e ti informerà se il tuo sito è stato accettato o meno. Se viene accettato, le notizie pubblicate sul tuo sito appariranno nella sezione “Notizie” di Google.
- Maintain the quality of your site: Once your site has been included in Google News, it is important to maintain the quality of your site to stay on the platform. Continue to publish high-quality, original content, keep your site updated, and comply with Google News guidelines.
Inserire il tuo sito su Google News può essere un’ottima strategia per aumentare la visibilità del tuo sito di notizie o blog. Tuttavia, è importante soddisfare i prerequisiti e le linee guida di Google News per poter essere accettati nella piattaforma. Segui questa guida dettagliata per inserire il tuo sito in Google News e mantenere la qualità del tuo sito per rimanere nella piattaforma.