WP Rescue

How to understand if a site has a virus: which software to use

How to understand if a site has a virus: the main online tools to check for malware on your platform.

Security is a very important issue that should be considered very carefully, both by users and website owners. The pitfalls and dangers that lurk in the world of the internet are truly numerous, above all due to the action of shady characters who have released malware and malicious programs with the aim of invading the privacy of those who sail, but not only.

Yet, we must not think that only the devices used to connect are affected, i.e. computers, phones or tablets. The websites of private individuals are also interested digital entrepreneursunaware of their presence.

How to understand if a site has a virus

As you well know, viruses are small malicious programs that can infect your PC, delete data, slow it down and even steal your information, such as credit card numbers or passwords.

They can be spread through files attached to emails or text messages, software downloads, or files shared over the network. So, if you navigate within a infected website, there is a high probability that it can "contaminate" your terminal. This eventuality also concerns those who are in possession of the platform itself, but without knowing it.

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Web pages are a great business tool for your business, but if they are hit by malware, they risk causing you to suffer a bad image in the eyes of customers. Immagina che un potenziale acquirente clicchi su uno dei tuoi link, e la schermata che gli viene mostrata in realtà è stata artefatta da un virus, con il rischio che l’utente venga indirizzato a un sito diverso da quello che ha digitato, in modo da rivelare le sue informazioni personali o finanziarie a malintenzionati.

Even though you are not the culprit, what you will get is only one bad advertising, and consequently a totally negative impression.

Website malware check

Non c’è un modo sicuro riguardo a come capire se un sito ha un virus. Tuttavia, ci sono alcuni signals which indicate that it may be compromised, several easily recognizable symptoms:

  1. They appear differently than normal, with additional or missing items
  2. Risultano spesso lenti nel caricamento delle pagine o nell’esecuzione delle azioni richieste dagli utenti
  3. They can generate pop-ups, i.e. very invasive and inappropriate advertising boxes
  4. They include redirection to other somewhat dubious websites
  5. Potrebbero bloccare il computer dell’utente o le sue applicazioni, rendendo difficile o impossibile utilizzare il sito

For an effective check you can take advantage of some online programs (free and with paid features) with which to verify the presence of malware both on sites in general and on plugins hey template downloaded to your WordPress. Just enter the URL string of your web page on the appropriate box and start the scan. But here are the main tools on the Internet:


Understand how to see if a site has a virus può essere difficile, ma se sembra anormalmente lento, non è visualizzato correttamente o i link non portano dove dovrebbero, allora molto probabilmente potrebbe essere infetto. Inoltre, se vedi pubblicità sul sito web che di solito non c’è, questo può essere un altro segno che qualcosa non va.

Nel caso in cui sospetti che un sito web sia infettato, evita di visitarlo e avvisa immediatamente l’amministratore del sito. Se invece si tratta del tuo è opportuno rivolgersi ad esperti nel settore in grado di intervene to resolve the problem, eseguendo un’analisi approfondita dei file del sito per scoprire se sono stati modificati e, in caso affermativo, far ripristinare le versioni originali.

It is therefore advisable to entrust the management and optimization of your WordPress site to industry experts such as Soccorso WP. Our team offers an exclusive service including secure storage space of up to 20 thousand GB and 360-degree assistance.

Contact us for solve any type of problem on your WordPress. We will be happy to help you and put our skills at your disposal!

Gianluca Gentile

My name is Gianluca Gentile, born in 1991. I have always had an immense passion for IT. Computers and the web, in fact, have become my inseparable adventure companions. So in 2012 I decided to transform my attitude and my skills into a "job". Through experience and professionalism I deal with restructuring and building the image of a company from scratch. Among my duties is the management of every phase of the creative process, meticulously taking care of every aspect of the advertising campaigns on the various media.

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