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Amazon affiliate program how it works

Amazon affiliation how it works: ottieni anche tu una seconda entrata passiva con l’iscrizione al programma di affiliazione più utilizzato sul web.

Amazon certainly needs no introduction, being the most famous and used e-commerce in the world. In fact, millions of transactions are carried out between sellers and buyers every day, thanks also to efficient customer service and truly rapid product shipping. And from this we can understand how merchants see this platform as one great business opportunity.

But this doesn't just apply to them. In fact, Jeff Besoz's creation gives practically anyone the opportunity to earn with the affiliate program, a system based on the use of links directed to the site in question capable of generate a commission.

What is the Amazon Affiliate Program

Amazon Affiliate means a program that allows affiliates to earn commissions publishing links and banners that refer to products sold on Amazon.it.

Quando un visitatore del sito web dell’affiliato clicca su uno di questi link (forniti dal proprietario del sito web o del blog) viene indirizzato alla pagina del prodotto di Amazon. E se l’utente effettua un acquisto entro 24 hours from the visit, il proprietario del sito web o del blog riceve una commissione sull’acquisto.

amazon affiliation

But the purchase does not only concern the linked product, but any sale completed within twenty-four hours, as there is a system for tracking by cookies.

Earn money with Amazon, a second passive income

Amazon Affiliate is an interesting tool for websites and blog owners with generate additional revenue through the sale of products belonging to third-party sellers. Furthermore, you can choose to promote any type available on the Amazon site, from books to shoes to household appliances.

You will therefore have many advantages all for your benefit:

  1. it's an easy way to earn extra money selling products you don't own;
  2. registering and creating links is quick and easy;
  3. you have the certainty of promoting a product sold on a renowned, successful platform, known and used by practically everyone;
  4. the more traffic you have on your site, the more money you will earn from sales;
  5. you can promote any type of product, be it electronics, clothes, gadgets, etc.

How to generate links

To become an Amazon affiliate, simply register for the specific program on the official website. After completing the registration form, you will be provided with a personal identification code which must be entered on your website or blog. To give a practical example on how to publish a link, let's imagine that you want to promote the new iPhone from Apple. Just follow 5 simple steps:


In this article we have seen how advantageous the Amazon affiliate system is, an alternative and truly advantageous way with which to make a long-term profit thanks to a passive income. But to optimize potential earnings you must necessarily have a website that works properly and above all well indexedotherwise all efforts would be useless.

Soccorso WP is the perfect solution for this need, with a team of developers and IT technicians capable of administering and optimizing your site, significantly improving its performance. positioning on Google.

Click here to take a closer look at our services and start earning money with your website with the Amazon affiliate program.

Gianluca Gentile

My name is Gianluca Gentile, born in 1991. I have always had an immense passion for IT. Computers and the web, in fact, have become my inseparable adventure companions. So in 2012 I decided to transform my attitude and my skills into a "job". Through experience and professionalism I deal with restructuring and building the image of a company from scratch. Among my duties is the management of every phase of the creative process, meticulously taking care of every aspect of the advertising campaigns on the various media.

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