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Adventure Tours – WordPress Tour/Travel Theme è un tema professionale e completamente personalizzabile, ideale per tour operator e agenzie di viaggi che desiderano creare un sito web funzionale, accattivante e completo. Grazie a questo tema, infatti, è possibile presentare ai propri clienti pacchetti turistici personalizzati, proposte di viaggi, escursioni e attività varie in modo chiaro, intuitivo e altamente attrattivo.
One of the main advantages of Adventure Tours – WordPress Tour/Travel Theme is its ease of use. In fact, with this solution you do not need to have in-depth technical knowledge to create and manage a successful website. The theme, in fact, was designed to be customizable even by people with little web experience, thanks to a series of intuitive and easy-to-use tools.
The main elements of Adventure Tours – WordPress Tour/Travel Theme are the ability to create customized tour packages with ease, the creation of presentation pages (such as the home page or landing pages), the management of reservations and events of travel.
Per quanto concerne la customization, il tema offre una vasta gamma di opzioni e strumenti, che consentono di modificare il layout, il design, i colori e le immagini del sito web, in modo da renderlo unico nel suo genere e in linea con la propria immagine aziendale. Inoltre, grazie all’integrazione con WooCommerce, è possibile gestire facilmente la vendita online di pacchetti turistici e altri prodotti correlati, come biglietti aerei, assicurazioni di viaggio e altro ancora.
Creating customized tour packages is one of the fundamental elements of Adventure Tours – WordPress Tour/Travel Theme. Thanks to a dedicated tool, it is possible to create tailor-made packages for your customers, starting from destinations, through accommodation, travel itinerary, excursions and much more. Thanks to the flexibility and customizability of the solution, it is possible to present unique and highly competitive packages to your customers, thus increasing the company's chances of success.
As for booking management, the theme offers a series of useful tools to simplify this aspect, allowing you to manage bookings, payments and cancellations precisely and securely. The integrated booking system allows customers to book and pay online, thus reducing the risk of errors and inconsistencies. Furthermore, thanks to synchronization with Google Calendar, it is possible to manage travel events with ease and precision, avoiding double bookings or other inconveniences.
Furthermore, Adventure Tours – WordPress Tour/Travel Theme offers a set of tools to promote your website and increase your company's online visibility. Thanks to SEO optimization, it is possible to position the website on Google and the main search engines, thus acquiring new potential customers. Furthermore, thanks to sharing on social networks and integration with the TripAdvisor platform, it is possible to provide reviews and feedback to your customers, thus increasing the company's reputation and online visibility.
Finally, Adventure Tours – WordPress Tour/Travel Theme is entirely responsive, that is, adaptable to any device and accessible from mobile, tablet or desktop. Thanks to this functionality, it is possible to reach the widest possible audience and offer your customers simple and effective navigation, whatever their access device.
In summary, Adventure Tours – WordPress Tour/Travel Theme is a professional, complete and highly customizable solution, ideal for tour operators and travel agencies who wish to best present their tourist offer, manage reservations, promote their online business and reach new customers. Thanks to its intuitiveness and easy management, the theme allows you to create and manage your website with ease, making the travel experience for the end customer even more unforgettable.
What is Adventure Tours?
Adventure Tours è un WordPress theme sviluppato per agenzie di viaggio e operatori turistici di qualsiasi dimensione. Offre molta flessibilità e molteplici possibilità nella creazione di tour. È possibile indicare tutti gli attributi dei tour che si desidera e poi utilizzarli per impostare un modulo di ricerca. Il sistema di valutazione dei tour permette ai clienti di valutare i tour stessi. I tour sono dotati di un sistema di prenotazione flessibile che consente di impostare le date di apertura dei tour per periodi prestabiliti. Se un tour si svolge regolarmente in un mese e poi in determinate date specifiche, non è necessario creare ulteriori tour, tutto può essere impostato in uno stesso tour. È possibile indicare inoltre il numero di biglietti per ogni periodo di un tour.
What payment methods are available?
Adventure Tours is integrated with the popular shopping plugin – WooCommerce. Therefore, you can pay for tours with Paypal and other payment services provided by WooCommerce. Furthermore, you can also set up a shop and sell various products.
What features does the theme have?
The Adventure Tours theme offers many appearance customization options, a modern and responsive design, and W3C code validation. Additionally, the theme includes the popular Slider Revolution presentation plugin (worth $19), Mailchimp integration for subscriptions, FAQ page, and more. Extensive documentation has been written to make installing and customizing the theme simple and enjoyable. Additionally, our team provides item support and will be happy to help if you have any questions.
What are the built-in plugins?
Adventure Tours is integrated with WooCommerce, Deposits Contact, Contact Form 7, Easy MailChimp Forms, SEO Yoast, All in One SEO Pack, Multi Vendor WC Vendors payment plugins.
Are there any widgets available?
Available widgets include AdventureTours: Contact Us, AdventureTours: Latest Posts, AdventureTours: Tours and AdventureTours: Twitter.
Is it possible to customize the graphics of the theme?
With Adventure Tours you can customize the colors and typography of the theme, you can also make the pages responsive and retina ready.
Is it possible to use the theme in different languages?
Yes, the Adventure Tours theme is translatable with .po/.mo files.
Is there information on possible maintenance of the theme?
Yes, the Adventure Tours theme is constantly updated and monitored by a team of professionals. You can keep up to date with what's new by following the update history, including bugfixes and improvements.
Is there the possibility of technical support?
Our team offers assistance with the item and will be happy to help if you have any questions or concerns.
If you have problems with Adventure Tours – WordPress Tour/Travel Theme, don't worry! G Tech Group is here to help you. You can contact us by opening a ticket by writing to support@gtechgroup.it and we will provide assistance with installing and configuring the plugin. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any problems or concerns, we are here to help.