Advance Post Grid/List with custom filtering for Visual Composer.



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Advance Post Grid/List with Custom Filter for Visual Composer is a plugin from WordPress which allows users to create custom grids and lists of posts quickly and easily. This plugin offers a wide range of options for customization, including selecting which categories of posts are to be displayed, choosing post formats, setting the column width, choosing the featured image, and many other customization options.

One of the coolest features of Advance Post Grid/List with Custom Filter for Visual Composer is the ability to create custom filters for your posts. This means you can select your posts based on certain criteria, such as publication date, category, author, tag, and other relevant information.

The plugin also offers a wide variety of grid and list layouts to choose from, and each layout can be further customized with a variety of styling options. The flexibility of this plugin allows users to create grids and post lists that meet their specific needs, both in terms of look and functionality.

To use Advance Post Grid/List with custom filter for Visual Composer, you must have WordPress and Visual Composer installed. After installing the plugin, you can create new grids and post lists through the Visual Composer interface. The process is very simple and consists of choosing setting options, column width, element arrangement and advanced settings for post selection.

Once the correct options are set, the user can save and view the grid or list of posts on their website. The Advance Post Grid/List plugin with custom filter for Visual Composer is highly customizable and easy to use, allowing users to create custom post grids and lists to display their content in an attractive and functional way.

In summary, Advance Post Grid/List with Custom Filter for Visual Composer is a useful and versatile plugin for creating custom post grids on your WordPress site. The wide range of customization options makes it an ideal option for those who want to create grids and post lists that meet their specific needs, have a professional look and offer advanced functionality. If you are looking for a way to improve your WordPress site, this plugin is definitely an excellent choice.

Frequently asked questions about key features and system requirements of WP Grid Builder:

1. What are the Key Features of WP Grid Builder?
WP Grid Builder is a WordPress plugin that allows you to quickly and easily build custom content grids and dynamic lists on your site. Its key features include the ability to choose between three column count options, different skin sets to customize your grid elements, border options for all sides, choice of post display type, the ability to match data to categories, tags and custom taxonomies, and much more.

2. What are the system requirements for using the Visual Composer?
WP Grid Builder requires the Visual Composer plugin to be installed to function properly. You must have WordPress 4.0 or later.

3. What is WP Grid Builder Clean Design?
The clean design of WP Grid Builder features an aseptic default grid that you can customize in many ways, such as choosing a border color, type and quantity of columns, adding images, product descriptions and much more .

4. What it means Responsive Layout of WP Grid Builder?
The responsive grid design of WP Grid Builder allows you to view content on all devices, without having to worry about the compatibility of different screen sizes. The graphic rendering of the pages is optimized for desktops, tablets and smartphones.

5. WPML Plugin Support: how does it work?
The WPML plugin is compatible with WP Grid Builder and allows you to create a multilingual version of your website in an unlimited number of languages. WPML allows you to translate all content, including titles, subtitles, description and more.

6. What are the types of Grids that can be used in WP Grid Builder?
There are three types of Grids you can choose to use in WP Grid Builder: Standard (Fix row), Advanced Grid (Mixitup), and Masonry.

7. Can you customize column count in WP Grid Builder?
Yes, there are three options available for column counting for desktop, tablet and mobile.

8. Are there skins available to customize the appearance of your Grid elements in WP Grid Builder?
Yes, there are sets of skins to choose from, so you can customize the look of your Grid elements, with different layout options, teser type and borders.

9. WP Grid Builder supports Advance Filtering Options. What does it mean?
Advance Filtering Options is a feature that allows you to filter content based on your preferences. You can use taxes to change the filter, execution order and categories.

10. What are Build Queries?
Build Queries are advanced settings that allow WP Grid Builder to retrieve and display posts, pages and custom post types based on your preferences. You can choose the type of post, the number of posts to display, the order, and so on.

11. Are there additional options for displaying elements in WP Grid Builder?
Yes, you will find additional options for viewing items, including choosing the type of navigation between pages, viewing the latest posts, viewing only posts in a category, only those by the author and much more.

12. What's new in the latest version of WP Grid Builder?
The latest version 4.0 of WP Grid Builder plugin has been made compatible with the new version of VC, supports retrieving products from e-commerce sites, and other bug fixes.

“If you experience difficulties installing or configuring Advance Post Grid/List with custom filtering for Visual Composer, do not hesitate to contact G Tech Group by opening a ticket by writing to Our technical support team will be happy to provide you with immediate assistance and resolve any issues you have with the plugin.”


Gianluca Gentile
Gianluca Gentile

My name is Gianluca Gentile, born in 1991. I have always had an immense passion for IT. Computers and the web, in fact, have become my inseparable adventure companions. So in 2012 I decided to transform my attitude and my skills into a "job". Through experience and professionalism I deal with restructuring and building the image of a company from scratch. Among my duties is the management of every phase of the creative process, meticulously taking care of every aspect of the advertising campaigns on the various media.

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