WP Rescue

Error 404 not found how to fix it

Error 404 not found how to fix it: what to do to restore your web page and make it fully operational.

Nowadays, having a website is essential for growing your company, and therefore making your brand immediately recognizable in the eyes of the online public. But web presence alone is not enough to achieve concrete results. In fact, you need to ensure that your platform guarantees excellent performance, so that l’utente possa navigare sul tuo sito comfortably and consequently have a positive experience and memory.

Se ad esempio all’interno hai una sezione e-commerce, e questa non funziona a dovere, molto probabilmente il potenziale cliente che vorrebbe acquistare da te sarà costretto ad abbandonare la pagina di navigazione, magari a causa di un caricamento troppo o di un procedimento d’acquisto molto macchinoso. Ma esistono tante altre problematiche che possono influire negativamente sulle prestazioni e sulla resa effettiva, come ad esempio l’Errore 404.

How to fix Error 404 not found

It may not infrequently happen that the user, after clicking on your web address, finds himself faced with a message containing the following words: "Error 404 not found", or, "http 404 not found", "page not found" , “404 error” and other similar indications. But what are we talking about?

how to solve 404 not found error

This refers to an http status code that is used to inform you of the presence of a problem in the data exchange between the server and the browser. Quando navighi su internet tramite il tuo telefono o computer viene inoltrata la richiesta al server, senza però giungere in questo caso a conclusione, così viene inoltrato al terminale che stai usando il cod errore http. Per capire meglio le caratteristiche di questo fenomeno basta analizzare due concetti sull’ errore 404:

Error 404, possible causes

To understand Error 404 and how to resolve it, it is necessary to analyze its causes. In fact we have:

How to fix Error 404

If you want to prevent your visitors from seeing this writing on their screen, you can follow some paths:


We have seen the phenomenon Error 4040 not found how to fix it, thus avoiding losing thousands of clicks from potential customers. From this we can easily see how essential it is to keep our website under control, with rapid and effective interventions aimed at solving problems of this kind.

Our IT agency successfully deals with creation and management of WordPress sites for individuals and companies, both in terms of problem solving and to make the platform more performing and above all indexed.

All you have to do is take a look at our services and contact us to remedy the problems affecting your website.

Gianluca Gentile

My name is Gianluca Gentile, born in 1991. I have always had an immense passion for IT. Computers and the web, in fact, have become my inseparable adventure companions. So in 2012 I decided to transform my attitude and my skills into a "job". Through experience and professionalism I deal with restructuring and building the image of a company from scratch. Among my duties is the management of every phase of the creative process, meticulously taking care of every aspect of the advertising campaigns on the various media.

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