Color or image variant of Woocommerce Swatches.



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WooCommerce Color or Image Variation Swatches è un plugins di WooCommerce che permette di migliorare l’esperienza utente durante la selezione delle varianti di un prodotto. In particolare, il plugin consente di visualizzare queste varianti attraverso immagini o colori, rendendo il processo di scelta più intuitivo e immediato.

Il funzionamento del plugin è estremamente semplice e intuitivo: una volta installato, basta configurarlo in maniera adeguata in modo da visualizzare correttamente le varianti di un prodotto. A questo scopo, il plugin offre varie opzioni e impostazioni che consentono di personalizzare al meglio la visualizzazione delle varianti, a seconda delle esigenze del online store.

In particular, the plugin allows you to view the variations through images or colors. In the first case, the user will be able to select the product variant via a series of thumbnails representing the different options available. In the second case, however, the user will have to select the desired color from those displayed.

In addition to displaying variants, the plugin also offers the possibility to customize the variant names according to the needs of the online store. For example, you can use different names for each variant, to make the choice more understandable for the user.

Another very useful feature of WooCommerce Color or Image Variation Swatches is the ability to view the available quantity of each variant. This way, the user can easily check whether the desired variant is still available or if it is out of stock.

Finally, the plugin also offers the possibility to customize the design of the variants, through the styling options offered by the plugin. In this way, it is possible to adapt the look of the variants to the needs of the online store, for an elegant and professional final result.

In summary, WooCommerce Color or Image Variation Swatches is a fundamental plugin for all those who use WooCommerce as an e-commerce platform and who want to offer their customers a smooth and intuitive shopping experience. Thanks to its numerous features and its customizable design, the plugin allows you to view product variations clearly and immediately, thus making customers' choice much simpler and faster.

1. What is WooSwatches – WooCommerce Color or Image Variation Swatches?
WooSwatches is a plugin for WooCommerce that helps transform variable drop-down product selection into beautifully presented color or image pairings.

2. How does WooSwatches work?
The plugin allows you to set the color image globally and the plugin automatically syncs whenever you create a variable product using that attribute. You can enable swatches globally throughout your web page on all products created by global attributes. While the plugin allows for global sampling, it also offers the flexibility to replace them on a per-product basis.

3. What are the features of WooSwatches?
WooSwatches supporta campioni di variazione di colore, immagine e etichetta, nonché la selezione a tendina. I valori di colore o immagine globali sono supportati per gli attributi. Il plugin include anche un filtro di prodotto colore/immagine. Funziona su dispositivi mobili. Ci sono diverse dimensioni di campioni, da piccoli a grandi. Supporto per campioni quadrati e rotondi. Opzione per visualizzare il nome dell’opzione sotto al campione. Il nome dell’opzione selezionata viene visualizzato nella pagina del singolo prodotto e mostra campioni di colore o immagine nelle pagine shop/category/tag. Il plugin è compatibile con shortcode ed è compatibile con Elementor Pro, Jetwoobuilder e Crocoblock. Supporta anche YITH Quick View Mode e Flatsome Quickview Modal Popup.

4. Does WooSwatches allow you to view the price of products using samples?
Yes, you can display the price alongside text samples on variable products created from a single attribute.

5. Does WooSwatches offer the ability to use variation images as sample images?
Yes, for products created from a single attribute, you can use variation images as sample images. This way, you don't need to set aside time to assign sample images for each value. You can save a lot of time on your website.

6. Does WooSwatches offer the ability to show swatches in the slider?
Yes, you can enable the test swatch slider for store samples if the number of store samples is greater than the specified value. Additionally, on the individual product page you can view the “Show more” link if the number of samples is greater than the specified number.

7. How to manage out of inventory options on WooSwatches?
You can enable crossing out of out of inventory options on your store pages if needed.

8. What does WooSwatches compatibility with Flatsome Quickview and YITH Quick View Mode mean?
It means that the plugin is fully compatible with these modes and all the features of the test samples of the individual product pages work perfectly.

9. How to set up WooSwatches?
The plugin is easy to use and offers a very intuitive user interface that allows you to set colors, images and other options in no time. You can also set image or color settings for each attribute value on the attribute edit page.

10. What are the latest changes to WooSwatches?
The latest version of the plugin is version 3.7.3 released on March 17, 2023. For more information on previous changes, you can check out the plugin's Changelog page.

“Hai problemi con WooCommerce Color or Image Variation Swatches? Nessun problema! Contattaci alla G Tech Group aprendo un ticket a e ti forniremo assistenza per l’installazione e la configurazione del plugin. Non perdere più tempo, contattaci subito!”


Gianluca Gentile
Gianluca Gentile

My name is Gianluca Gentile, born in 1991. I have always had an immense passion for IT. Computers and the web, in fact, have become my inseparable adventure companions. So in 2012 I decided to transform my attitude and my skills into a "job". Through experience and professionalism I deal with restructuring and building the image of a company from scratch. Among my duties is the management of every phase of the creative process, meticulously taking care of every aspect of the advertising campaigns on the various media.

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