Storage for CF7 contact form.



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Storage for Contact Form CF7 is a plugin of WordPress creato per gli utenti che gestiscono siti web e desiderano raccogliere e archiviare i dati dei loro utenti. Questo plugin è stato progettato per funzionare con Contact Form 7, uno dei plugin più popolari per la gestione dei moduli di contatto sui siti web. Il plugin Storage for Contact Form CF7 offre una soluzione semplice ed efficace per l’archiviazione delle risposte ai moduli di contatto.

The first thing to do once the Storage for Contact Form CF7 plugin has been installed is to configure it according to your needs. To do this you need to access the “Settings” section of the plugin. Here you will find a section dedicated to saving data. The first choice to make concerns the type of data saving, between the “Database” option (which saves the data within the WordPress database) or the “File system” option (which saves the data in files on the server ).

Once you choose the save option, you can understand how the plugin works and configure it according to your needs. The plugin offers the ability to customize the data storage format, such as the date format, data separation and the presence of a serial number. Additionally, you can specify a destination directory for saving contact form responses.

Another important feature of the Storage for Contact Form CF7 plugin is the possibility of choosing the type of data to save. For example, you can choose to archive only important fields, ignoring less important fields. Furthermore, the plugin offers the possibility of not recording the data of unauthenticated users, thus maintaining the privacy of its visitors.

However, the actual functionality of the plugin is to store contact form response data. Once the plugin has been configured, every time a user fills out the contact form on the website, the data will automatically be saved in the location specified by the plugin. This means that users will be able to gain access to the data they enter, for example to understand how they use the site or to personalize the responses to their requests.

As you might guess, the ability to save contact form responses offers many benefits for website owners. For example, it makes it easier to analyze users and their behaviors, allows you to personalize your responses to their requests, and allows you to create an archive of contacts that you can refer to in the future.

However, it is important to consider some aspects of the Storage for Contact Form CF7 plugin that may present limitations for some users. For example, the plugin does not offer the ability to export data to other formats, which could be a problem if you want to use data collected by other tools or applications. Additionally, the plugin uses the WordPress database to save data, which could be a problem if you want to store large amounts of data long-term.

In any case, the Storage for Contact Form CF7 plugin is a simple and effective solution for storing contact form response data. Thanks to its ease of use and its configurability, it represents a perfect answer for all those websites that wish to manage their contact forms in a professional way.

Frequently asked questions about Contact Form 7 Storage

1. What is Contact Form 7 Storage?
Contact Form 7 Storage is a WordPress plugin that stores all Contact Form 7 subscriptions (including attachments) in the WordPress database. All contact information and business leads are stored securely, even if email notifications are deleted or lost.

2. How does Contact Form 7 Storage help you comply with the GDPR?
This plugin does not guarantee GDPR compliance, but offers the ability to easily delete form entry data, meta information, and uploaded attachments. Furthermore, you can deactivate the storage of your IP address and browser information.

3. Who supports Contact Form 7 Storage?
The plugin was developed and maintained by Kaspars Dambis, a key WordPress contributor and a professional WordPress developer since 2007. All support requests are handled by the plugin author.

4. What information is stored in each entry?
Each entry stores the values of individual input fields, all attachments uploaded to the contact form, date and time of sending, the email address of the recipient of the contact form, the title of the email sent to the recipient , the URL of the page or post where the contact form was submitted, the user's IP address, information about the sending browser and device (user agent) and the link to the configuration page for the contact form used for sending.

5. How can I export contact information as a CSV file?
You can export contact information using the “Export as CSV” button found in the list of records in the “Entry” section. You can export all records or use date and form filters to select which entries to export. The export also includes links to item attachments.

6. What are the additional features of Contact Form 7 Controls?
Contact Form 7 Controls is a free companion plugin for Contact Form 7 that provides an improved user interface for managing the contact form and access to stored entries.

7. What are the system requirements to use Contact Form 7 Storage?
Contact Form 7 Storage requires the Contact Form 7 plugin. It has been tested up to WordPress 6.0 and requires at least WordPress 3.2 and PHP 5.6.20.

8. How do I install Contact Form 7 Storage?
Go to “Plugins → Add New” in the main menu of your WordPress dashboard. Select the “Upload” tab at the top of the page. Select the file for upload and click “Upload”. Make sure to activate the plugin once loaded.

9. How do I use Contact Form 7 Storage?
The plugin adds a new section called “Entry” under the “Contact” menu in your WordPress dashboard that lists all contact form entries in reverse chronological order. You can export entries as CSV using the “Export as CSV” button in the contact form entry list. You can use the contact form filter or the multiple actions drop-down box to select the entries to export. Free text search is available to find specific entries.

“Se stai riscontrando difficoltà con lo Storage per il Contact Form 7, non esitare a contattare la G Tech Group aprendo un ticket all’indirizzo Il nostro team fornirà il supporto necessario per l’installazione e la configurazione del plugin.”


Gianluca Gentile
Gianluca Gentile

My name is Gianluca Gentile, born in 1991. I have always had an immense passion for IT. Computers and the web, in fact, have become my inseparable adventure companions. So in 2012 I decided to transform my attitude and my skills into a "job". Through experience and professionalism I deal with restructuring and building the image of a company from scratch. Among my duties is the management of every phase of the creative process, meticulously taking care of every aspect of the advertising campaigns on the various media.

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