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Bookly Custom Fields is an add-on for Bookly, a booking plugin for online services, that allows you to further customize your booking process by creating additional custom fields. These fields can be of various types, such as text boxes, selection boxes, check boxes, drop-down menus and more.
With this powerful feature, Bookly users can gather more specific information about each customer and each reservation, such as special requests, notes, special requirements and more. This means that the booking process can be customized to meet the specific needs of each customer, therefore ensuring greater flexibility when it comes to booking management.
Installing Bookly Custom Fields is quick and easy, and once installed, you will need to create a new custom field before you can use it. To do this, you need to go to the Custom Fields section and click on the New Field button. From here, you can choose the field type, give it a descriptive name, specify any additional options, and define whether the field is required or not.
Once you have created the custom field, you must insert it into the booking form to make it appear during the booking. This is done in an area called “Custom Fields” on the Bookly settings screen. This way, you can select the custom field you created and drag it to the desired location on the booking form.
Every time a customer makes a booking using Bookly Custom Fields, the data entered into the custom field will be stored in the booking system and will be available for consultation at any time. Furthermore, this data can also be exported to a CSV file for subsequent analysis or processing.
For privacy policy compliance, Bookly Custom Fields ensures customer data is protected through various security features, including SSL encryption, login authentication, creating regular backups, and more.
In short, Bookly Custom Fields is a powerful and highly customizable add-on feature that allows professionals and businesses to customize the booking process to meet the specific needs of their customers. With a wide range of custom field options to choose from and intuitive configuration tools, Bookly Custom Fields is an ideal option for those who want to offer an easy-to-use yet highly customizable online booking service.
FAQ on the plugins Bookly Custom Fields (Add-on)
Q: What is the Bookly Custom Fields plugin (Add-on)?
A: Il plugin Bookly Custom Fields (Add-on) è un add-on per il plugin Bookly PRO. Con questo plugin è possibile aggiungere ulteriori campi personalizzati di diversi tipi alla pagina dei dettagli del processo di prenotazione standard di Bookly PRO. È possibile aggiungere campi di testo, caselle di controllo, opzioni a discesa, bottoni radio, campi numerici, captcha e altro ancora per ottenere informazioni più specifiche dai clienti.
Q: What custom fields are available?
A: You can add any type of custom field, including text fields, checkboxes, drop-down options, radio buttons, numeric fields, and captchas.
Q: How do I add custom fields to the Bookly PRO plugin with Bookly Custom Fields (Add-on)?
A: After installing and activating the Bookly Custom Fields plugin (Add-on), you can create custom fields in the “Custom Fields” section of the Bookly PRO menu. You can set these fields to apply only to some specific services or make them mandatory or optional.
Q: Can I add conditional custom fields?
A: Yes, the Bookly Custom Fields plugin (Add-on) allows the creation of conditional custom fields to display only relevant custom fields based on the answers given by the customer.
Q: Can I create internal custom fields?
A: Yes, the Bookly Custom Fields plugin (Add-on) allows the creation of internal custom fields that will only be visible in the Bookly backend.
Q: How does Bookly Custom Fields (Add-on) integrate with Bookly PRO?
A: Bookly Custom Fields (Add-on) integrates seamlessly with Bookly PRO and setup only takes a few minutes. After installing and activating both plugins, the added custom fields will be displayed on the Bookly PRO booking details page.
Q: What if I need to update custom fields once the reservation is made?
A: Custom fields can be updated in the booking information on the Bookly calendar screen.
“Hai difficoltà con l’Add-on Bookly Custom Fields? Non preoccuparti, siamo qui per aiutarti! Contatta la G Tech Group aprendo un ticket all’indirizzo support@gtechgroup.it e riceverai assistenza immediata nell’installazione e nella configurazione del plugin. Non perdere altro tempo, contattaci oggi stesso!”