Error 403 forbidden how to solve: let's analyze together what the causes are, providing the main solutions to remedy this particular http error.
Lately you have received several reports from users that your site is unreachable, and checking with a Google search the result shows the following words Error 403 forbidden, Access to this resource on the server is denied!, or Error 403 access denied, . This is quite a headache which, if not resolved promptly, will cause a severe blow decline in traffic volume on your web pages.
In fact, if you are trying to access a site and you happen to receive this message, then it means that you do not have access to the requested content. But what is the cause of the problem? In this article I will explain how to solve it the 403 forbidden error providing you with useful information on how to move.
What is the 403 forbidden error
The 403 forbidden error occurs when a user attempts to access a web page that is not authorized, indicating that the web server is unable to satisfy the client's request, and consequently refuses access. The most common causes are:
- Presence of themes or plugins which act as an obstacle, representing the main cause of the problem.
- Incorrect file permissions and corrupt .htaccess file: When website files have incorrect permissions or ownership, this can prevent access by unauthorized people.
- Unauthorized access to the server: Some servers may refuse access if you are not properly authenticated, even if the requested web page is available.
- Protection against DDoS: Some servers use DDoS protection that can deny entry to users who attempt to log in too many times within a few minutes.
- Firewall problems: may block access to some web pages, even if the requested page is available.
- Incorrect server configuration: May prevent access to some web pages.
- Safety issues: some vulnerability of the site may allow unauthorized access and cause the error.
- Folder protection- Some directories may be protected by passwords or other security methods and require authentication to access.
- Problems with the code: Sometimes, an error can occur when the website code contains errors that prevent access to the server.
In some cases, this error can be resolved by simply refreshing the web page or browser. However, in most cases it is necessary to find different solutions.
Error 403 forbidden how to solve
For website owners who want to resolve Error 403 the first thing to do is understand the cause, most of the time it is a plugins active. In these cases it is enough deactivate them all via the section of the same name on the WP bulletin board, access your site on Google and check if the problem is still present. If it is no longer there it means that the origin is actually one of the deactivated extensions. All you have to do is reactivate them one by one and see if the problem recurs.
If the plug-in check has not given the desired results you must check whether there are any flaws in the folders and file permissions, being not set in the right way. The permissions should be set with: 640 / 644 referring to files, 750/755 referring to folders. To carry out the verification you need to use the file manager in order to access the folders and files on the website with the help of an FTP client (for example FileZilla).

If even in this way the 403 forbidden Error continues to persist, the reason may be attributable to the file.htaccess. The remedy is to generate a new file not before making a backup copy of the pre-existing one.
Other possible solutions for users
Use a proxy server โ A proxy server works as an intermediary between the user's computer and the requested website. When used, the IP address of the user's computer is hidden and replaced with that of the proxy server. This may allow access to websites that would otherwise be blocked.
Change the IP address โ In some cases, you can resolve a 403 error simply by changing your computer's IP address. This can be done by disabling your Internet connection and re-enabling it after a few minutes, or by using a VPN service to hide information about your original IP address.
Use a different browser version โ If you are using an old browser, it is likely that the requested site cannot be accessed. We recommend that you download and install an updated and latest version of the browser for check whether the error has actually been resolved.
Contact the webmaster โ If previous attempts were unsuccessful, you can contact the site's webmaster directly. Being the site administrator, he can solve the problem more efficiently and faster.
Contact your Internet service provider - If all previous attempts have not resolved the 403 error, you can contact your Internet service provider. The technical support provided by the provider may be able to detect and resolve any network problems that might be causing the error.
In conclusion, we have seen how to resolve the 403 error by restoring the correct functioning of the site, making it available for user access. However, while verifying the plugin is quite simple, the same cannot be said for the other methods illustrated in this article. The best thing to do is to contact a professional in the sector.